On Monday, Nifty opened on a negative note, fluctuating within a narrow range yet again. It marked a high of 24705 and a low of 24580.05, before closing at 24619, losing 58 points. The Weekly Trend (50 SMA) remains sideways, while the Daily Trend (50 SMA) stays positive, suggesting potential for upward momentum.
Demand/Support Zones
Near Demand/Support Zone (15m): 24295.55 - 24376.65
Far Demand/Support Zone (30m): 24140 - 24187.05
Far Demand/Support Zone (75m): 23447.15 - 23578.60
Supply/Resistance Zones
Near Supply/Resistance Zone (Weekly): 24567.65 - 25234.05 (Current price inside the zone)
Far Supply/Resistance Zone (Daily): 25739.20 - 25907.60
Far Supply/Resistance Zone (Daily): 26151.40 - 26277.35