We have seen massive drop in NVDA stock last year. However the price has not come down the the normal range yet. NVDA is still traded more than 10x of book value. Look like NVDA recent price jump were due to market excitement on AI company. However from financial perspective NVDA book value and earning has been on the decline. We are using Stock Value Rainbow indicator to evaluate stock valuation based on four financial metrices: book value, earning, dividend and cash flow. The rainbow color depict the multiples values of all these four factors summed up together. The rainbow above the gray lines represent 1x, 2x, 3x, .., 10x of stock value. While rainbow below the gray line represent 0.8x, 0.6x, 0.4x, 0.2x stock value. The higher the value the more expensive the stock, the lower the value the cheaper it is according to these fundamental or financial valuation metrices. Look like NVDA stock still prone to valuation squeeze if the economy is going into recession. So take some precaution if you decided to enter into it.