Nvidia Trade iDeas

Hi Mates, sharing Nvidia chart for taking a view for trades possibilites in it. So as we can see on this provided chart that price is taking support from mentioned rising support line and making a low near about and still trend is looking neutral from me at this spot so sharing my trade ideas below.

1- So as we can see on this chart that 439 levels earlier was a strong resistance price of it later become support and now again same levels become resistance as price is trading below that spot so if it will close above we can see that bulls try to dominate again till above marked target in it.

2- And if price close below rising support near about 420 levels we can see further marked targets below i assume that bears will dominate below this trendline till support targets below where we can see that bulls again will be active as it is looking good demand zone for me.

3- And at the end if price break the major support area started from 375 levels and clsoe below we can see a massive fall towards marked target below as there is a big visible gap area seems with no support between.

No trade activated so far not close below mentioned rising support nor above mention resistance
Gap down open below mention support levels on chart, will face resistance (420 levels) from that support area now and can do support target one
Price currently trading below rising support trednline and now this support turned in to resistance and taking proper resistance from there so if close above we can see higher levels above mention on chart. Below this support trendline it will consider as weak
Currently price is trading below risisng support trendline and taking proper resistance form that but instead of drag it manage to gives higher closing after breaking that support trendline so i marked a resistance trednline for fresh long if it will close above will go for a long side trade and will take target above mentioned levels like resistance turned support and above marked target 1 and target 2. Will update idea if mine levels will execute
Bullish momentum start after breaking fresh resistance mention in update above, intercepted rising support trednline too and can touch above mention target too after this move
Mentioned target in update above complete that if price close above marked resistance for fresh long can go 439 levels, So yesterday closed above and reached main resistance. If it will close above 439 levels today which (marked as resistance turned support now again resistance) we can see marked target 1 too very soon.
Trailing Stop loss update-: Nice moved out after above close of resisatnce marked for fresh longs Reached 448 from 430 and moving towards mention target so now moving stop to my entry price and will wait for the target above.

Reaching very close to marked target one mates after
Stop Loss Update-: Now i will move stop loss to my entry price and will wait for the shared targets
Target Update-:
Resistance Target one complete friends, if it will close above resistance break target one we can see target two in coming sessions

Target update-:
After completing target on fully price reached very close to resistance based target two mates and took resistance from there, So closing this idea completly will publish a new one if i will go for any trade in it. Closing this idea under target tag because target one full done and target two just missed

Trend Analysis

