Palladium Suspense or Antigravety.

Modified Model. \?/

Why the change? I may have been wrong. At least in the expectation of a precipitous decline of the price "a la crypto" Ant technically: The jag broke out of the Thin Blue b curve.

Thee are many faint curves, Now about this top: these are the process. some are osculating, others are minor or inquiry. Some have past . Some are brought back: all for clarity and focus.


Solid Red Precipitates . That the first addition to the model . it replaces faint doted black. , Near by and faded.

Doted Orange: DBO
It has been there, but faint. Now its back, more prominent in Doted Bold Orange: DBO. The forward side of DBO is set by its root and its conformity to the rally 22 Feb 26 Feb '19

Bold Yello; BY
It is rooted in the Jan 17 '19 Local High. This horn had been there as well. Now it is brought forwards and made prominent with Bold Yellow: BY. Notice that the action is again , inside this feature.

Green Squares
The Up side is chasing Green Squares.

I think some charttist can see a "double top" forming. Particularly if it falls off of new Solid Red, and hears DBO. Or I could be a absurd surrealist.

The Up side is chasing Green Squared


