Sandstorm Gold Ltd.

Sandstorm- A Golden Kool-Aid man

2020 Revenues = Record 93 Million. That's with several mine shutdowns due to covid. I believe most if not all of those mines were restarted due to being declared essential businesses!

Gold started 2020 at $1,525 and rose to $1,800 USD in July. Was in a range of $1,800 to $1,900 the last 6 months of 2020.

Sandstorm is about the same price now ($6.99 USD 1/11/21) as it was in January of 2020 with gold/silver/copper at much higher prices, no debt, and lots of cash on hand.(100 mil?)!

2021 should be a another great year for Sandstorm which now has ZERO DEBT to my knowledge. If gold stays in range of $1,800 to $1,900 without any mine shutdowns they will easily break another record. However If Silver/Copper can continue to rise and gold break above $2,075 USD then Sandstorm is going to smash through previous records like the Kool-Aid man.

