The Sandbox

Will The Stagnation Of SAND Continue ?

The Sandbox has a market cap of $974 Million and is ranked 83rd in the cryptoverse. The overall volume of sand token has observed a surge of 31% in the intraday session. Meanwhile, SAND token price is currently trading near the value of $0.4299 with a drop of 19% in the past one year and 1% in the intraday session.
SAND token price is currently trading below the 50 and 100 EMA with a negative crossover in the past. It is trading in the neutral zone below the crucial levels. The upside momentum of token price can see a halt near the value of $0.55. Meanwhile, the support of the asset price can observe a bounceback from $0.3
The RSI of the token price is in the neutral zone at 45 with no slope. The overall sentiment of the MACD and RSI is neutral.

