Shiba is still coming down and showing a triangle in the overall table! This guide points to a sharp rise in prices. There was also good news about Shiba. We are waiting for the result on November 27-28. Two good news for the New Year InshaAllah))) Shiba is ready to grow! THIS IS NOT ECONOMIC ADVICE! I DON'T ANSWER THE BUTTON!
Shiba hali ham pastga tushmoqda va umumiy jadvalda uchburchakni ko'rsatmoqda! Ushbu qo'llanma narxlarning keskin o'sishiga ishora qiladi. Shiba haqida ham yaxshi xabar bor edi. Natijani 27-28 noyabr kunlari kutamiz. Yangi yil uchun ikkita xushxabar InshaAlloh))) Shiba o'sishga tayyor! BU IQTISODIY MASLAHAT EMAS! TUGMAGA JAVOB BERMAYMAN!