The price remains tame and flat. illogically so:
The last four days SLV volume has been off scale high. Yet the SLV is tame and submissive. ( just like Jimmy likes it )
There is no physical silver to be sourced in the retail market. Premiums for fiscal are very high, One once rounds are fetching $42. Yet, how is the SLV back under control?
The COMEX shorts position are in the thousands of millions of ounces! so the price of silver moves not.
Black Rock owns the SLV. JPM is the custodian for SLV physical silver. Virtue financial does the High frequency trading on SLV, and there is a short list of baks that actually play Silver commodities market: the COMEX (Crime-ex)
The regulators, the CFTC, see and hear, Nothing! captured, bound and gagged!
The underground is still swirling with grit and thunder . . .
"'The pressure point' Silver still is . Monetary metal, silver again will be! " Yoda.
This gives pause, but: anything can happen, especially these next few weeks. The Cov idiotsy is braking down. The scammedemic is long in the tooth; More and more people are rebelling in their hearts.
Added to the graph: Orange elipse, Blue parabola