
TradingView Masterclass: Paper Trading

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In this Masterclass, you’ll learn how to use our official paper trading tool. Paper trading gives trades the capability to test their trading skills in a simulated environment without risking real money. For all the new traders out there, you’ll want to make paper trading your best friend. Why? Have all the fun you want, practice endlessly, and never lose a dime.

Reminder: With Black Friday nearing (seriously… it’s coming soon), now is the time to master one of our most important tools. You’ll be ready to go the second you activate your upgraded account.

To get started, follow the steps below:

Step 1 - Click the ‘Trading Panel’ button located at the bottom of the chart.

Step 2 - Once you click the ‘Trading Panel’ button, a list of brokers in your region will appear, but also, at the very top, a Paper Trading account powered by yours truly, TradingView.


Step 3 - Click Paper Trading and you’ll now start the process of opening your free, simulated trading environment, entirely powered by us.

You made it! Time to celebrate! 🕺💃

Alright, let’s go a little deeper and talk about the buttons you’ll want to understand now that you’ve got your Paper Trading account opened.

While still having the Trading Panel open, click the button that says “Trade” and an order slip will appear. It’ll look like this:


As you get started, here are some tips to keep in mind:

  • Take Paper Trading seriously. Work Paper Trading as if it were a real account:
  • Record your trades, the reasons, the results obtained and the lessons learned.
  • Explore different approaches like intraday trading or swing trading.
  • Maintain emotional discipline, your trading strategy and risk management.
  • Practice, practice, practice - that’s what this is all about, getting better at trading through practice.

It gets better, because there are multiple ways to trade and customize your paper trading experience. Open the chart settings menu or right click on the chart, and you can add specific trading features to the chart as needed.

In-fact, we’ll explain all of the features available to you in the chart settings.


🟥🟦 Buy/Sell buttons:
When these are turned on, you’ll see a Buy and Sell button at the top right of the chart. When it comes to buying and selling, there are three primary order types:
  • Market (executed at the current market price),
  • Limit (executed at a defined specific value), and
  • Stop (executed when the price falls below a certain level).

👆 Instant Orders placement:
This option allows you to open positions at the market price by simply clicking the buy and sell buttons. You can choose the quantity by clicking on the number below the spread.

Play Sound for executions:
You can enable this option to receive an audible notification when a trade is executed, with eight different tones to choose from.

📲 Notifications:
Receive notifications for All events or Rejection orders only.
Tip: You can open the order panel by using the Shift + T shortcut or by right-clicking on a chart, then selectings Trade > Create a new order.

👁‍🗨 Positions:
Uncheck this box if you don’t want to see your active trading positions.

🔺🔻 Profit & loss:
This option allows you to view the profit and loss changes in your trades, which can displayed in both ticks and percentages.

🔃 Reverse button:
When enabled, a button is added to your active trading positions that allows you to reverse your trade.

👁 Orders:
See your current open unexecuted orders by checking this box.

🔺🔻👁 Brackets profit & loss:
It functions similarly to the Profit & Loss option, but for pending orders.

It displays the past executed orders on the chart.

Execution labels:
Enable this option to view specific information about past execution orders, including trade direction, quantity, and executed price.

Extended price line for positions & orders:
It creates an extended horizontal line for your active trades.

⬅⬆➡ Orders & positions alignment:
You can move the alignment of your orders to Left, Center and Right in your charts.


🖥 Orders, Executions and Positions on screenshots:
Check this box if you want to download screenshots (shortcut: Ctrl + Alt + S) with active and pending orders.

Thanks for reading and we hope this tutorial helps you get started! We look forward to reading your feedback.

- TradingView Team

