Double Down...

A gutsy trader sometimes violates the cardinal rule.
Never average down.

After today's melt up mania, in front of the June CPI Release on July 11,
I did just that.

Technical Indicator "Fast Stochastic" on the 52 Week Daily Chart for SPXS,
the 3 X Short S+P 500 ETF, 7.18 Close today, shows a Fast Stochastic close at 0.66 today.
That's about a close to an airtight Buy Signal on this Indicator that you will get.
I will play the odds.

A trader who is sure in his belief, stays with those beliefs,
and does not get run over by the crowd mania that was seen today.

Fool me once. Maybe even twice.
But on the third time....
Don't get hit by this freight train
"In Reverse"

SPX Close 5633.92


Technical Indicators
