
Market Message Woody Dorsey--Bear Ugly Targets! Must See

SP:SPX   标准普尔500指数
Our 2810 target from the 2942 short entry was hit today. If this move down turns viral or bear ugly, 2786 is target 2 and if we see a "Black Hole" type move in the coming days--
2720-ish is on the radar screen now. The best part, we have not even entered the "Kill Zone" time period. Volatility is here and all that had their heads only looking up, are now wondering where the bottom will come into play. Here is an update Woody put out to premium members today.

MARKET MESSAGE: 5/13/19 by Woody Dorsey:

Politicians get Psychotic, Stocks get Slaughtered and Bulls go Bananas?

Story Time: Talking Heads Explain Everything but the headline above is equally cogent. Psychosis Kills Bulls! Viz. No one really knows what is going on. Markets have always been about and are only about the Human Psyche. The rationale and opinions of the media are just derivatives of investors’ habitual errors. Keep it simple. An Interim High was expected for months to occur soon. Yes, it would have been ideal to have had a few more weeks but Mr. Market had an itchy trigger finger. Thus the expected recovery rally from Xmas terminated. As you know, I have been allowing for a “Time of Churning” as a “Golden Halo” formed before a “Kill Zone.” Now, stocks are getting killed and a “Black Hole” is approaching. These moves can happen quickly. Once an initial panic culminates, a bounce is due into a defined time zone. Then another round of “Killing” is due into the first Black Hole. We can talk about that later. This is not the actual Black Hole right here.

This is a War. Markets are now on a War footing. Stocks go Up but they also go Down. Keep it simple. There is no need to let the media make you crazy with rationalizations. Stocks put in an Interim High. It was due and is a classic lawful error in the market process. The Market has sent a Message. The Big Picture is still corrective into 2022. But every journey, every trend begins with a first step. This is a heck of first step!

Take advantage of our 3 month premium member contest--see details in the 2810 target hit post..

