SP500 long term view

So, i am using stochastic indicator and its really important what are your settings. I am using 8.8.3 (K-8, slowing-8 , and D-3) and the standard MACD indicator. Now with those settings on Stoch when we have crossover on WEEKLY chart the trend is going to change.As you can see right now the stoch is already in 80s area of the indicator, which means probably the end of june we will have some kind of crossover in stoch indicator. Not always the crossover is going straight in the direction it has to go, sometimes is making higher high, BUT ALWAYS when the stoch is overbought, has to go down. I expect the end of june, beginning of july (probably after the earnings of the Q2) to expect massive falling!
快照 Also as you can see on monthly chart MACD AND STOCH are already negative and if they stay like that and stoch on weekly give us crossover for sell that means we will have 3rd massive wave all the way down ( I am not sure if it will retest the same level as those of march, but for sure we will have massive selling.) Historically if you check 2000-2003 period and 2007-2008-2009 periods, when the weekly makes its waves and then gives crossover on stochastic with ALREADY NEGATIVE MACD AND STOCH ON MONTHLY CHART that means the bearish trend continues. I will put snapshots for you to see.
快照 < now you got the idea.
Trend Analysis
