So if you haven't heard.... the coronavirus zombies are causing helicopter crashes in Los angels. Basketball gods are dying.
The New York Times tries to take down president trump.... again.
The scary Fed is speaking this week.
rockets were fired at U.S Embassy in Iraq. Sell everything right?
I like snp here on a washout early monday.
looking back at previous -1+% moves on the 1 hour chart - all seem to be buying opportunities. Unless this time we see multi hour -1+% sell off Monday, I believe betting on some calls bought Monday when we are down 1.5% on SPY could be exciting
1) corona virus is less harmful than the common cold statistically speaking and recent news suggest an appropriate response and a handle on the virus despite ignorant media types and chicken littles. This will be a nonfactor in 2 weeks.
2. RIP kobe
3. The market has learned its lesson trading on the deceitful mainstream media headlines about trump... Bernie Sanders is getting steam but overall that's a win for the market. Bernie cannot win a general against trump.
4. inflation in asset prices? EPS of stocks are rising to historic levels as we have historic globalization, automation, and computerization... That makes sense to me, not to mention more people and money chasing fewer stocks historically.
5. rockets at the U.S embassy during our occupation of the middle east is not a new thing. This was to be expected as well. - Last time this happened - buy opportunity
I am betting the fed doesn't say something stupid. I am also betting earnings are impressive this week which will make this gap down early Monday look like a good trade. GDP on Thursday too!
My thesis goes to hell if all of sudden if
1. the mortality rate of coronavirus jumps to 10%+ with 5000+ infected all over the world (again unlikely due to overreaction now)
2. The fed makes uneasy comments about rates or says something stupid... (again)
3. Earnings come in mostly to the downside and guidance isnt good
4. GDP is soft.