
SPY low to High Fibonacci

Everyone is waiting for the Monday open, how is the market going to react to Fridays sell off. My guess is they buy the dip which seems to be the theme of the people lately but how much more max pain can they take. We have a huge daily outside bar I’m hoping we creat a inside bar on Monday. Right now futures gap down but is being bought up. If the DXY hits 110 watch out, the market will head to 395 quick. 396.95 is the .50% retracement to watch for the market will be over sold and buy the dip alerts will start popping up. I’m thinking we end the week at 410 just for fun please do not play that number just a random guess. At work everyday we guess where the market will close. What happened Friday is why I always say “trade what’s in front of you”. I know it’s a lame chart the only thing I found was this new trend line. I wanted to spend the weekend studying but instead I ended up deep cleaning the floors after my dog tracked in a bunch of poop in the middle of the night so yeah. I hope you all had a great weekend be safe out there
