

Looks like we’re having trouble jumping back into the wedge no big deal tomorrow is lotto Friday and it’s a long weekend I imagine full tilt mode is the play. The debt ceiling talks are done the house has already left leaving the jobs of 8 million people in limbo. This is the biggest joke ever, no politician wants to cut budgets it would be political suicide which is the most important thing to do when it comes to the obvious of reducing spending. So in order to pass it’s either less spending or more taxes so more taxes it will be and inflation will never go down because it’s the easiest tax to pass. Like I’ve said before if you were paying 50 bucks and paying 5 in taxes now with inflation to keep it simple let’s say you are paying 100 bucks with10 bucks in taxes do you think they really want to lower inflation when it’s going to cost the government free money heck no! They will drag this out not to the 11th hour not to the 59th minute but to the 59th second. Sorry for ranting, this political theater is so annoying when a ton of people are on the verge of losing jobs and parks shutting down etc. Still happy Friday tomorrow enjoy your 3 day weekend I promise to make a video talking about everything, so be ready for a bunch of mental and trading talk about strategies and how to adjust when markets change.
As always trade what’s in front of you good luck
