current price 11.98, adjust position to remove the main risk:
SellToClose Apr C15 x2 Limit 1.2, win (1.2-0.48) x2= 1.34
BuyToClose Apr P7.5 x2 Limit 0.35, win (0.58-0.35) x2= 0.46
Current position and cost: hold Apr C12.5 x1, and C15/17.5 x8 with 0.1 Risk.
buy Apr C12.5 0.6 + C15 8x 0.46 =4.28,
Sell Call C17.5 8 x 0.27 = 2.16 ,
after Win 1.34+0.46=1.6 in closed C15 and P7.5, adjusted cost: 4.28-2.16 -1.6 =0.1