CRB Index Down 50 %,.. Lead By Oil,.Continues To Plunge

The CRB Index of Major Commodities TRJEFFCRB ,
is breaking down once again, in a potential Head and Shoulder's Reversal Pattern
down to extremely important major support.

As seen here on the Monthly CRB Chart,
commodity prices as measured by the CRB Index are down a whopping 50 %,..,since 2011 !

With most market observer's looking to the plunge in interest rates,
as the major factor or potential cause for an upcoming worldwide economic slowdown,
the sharp decline in commodity prices going on 8 years now,lead by energy and industrial metals weakness like copper,
have long been foreshadowing an economic day of reckoning on the horizon,

The message here is to pay attention to the CRB Index of major commodity prices daily,
for clues about the health of the overall economy.

Right now, commodities are telling you the same story,
of strong pending weakness from the demand side,
just as long term interest rates are flashing the same confirming message.

Concluding thought.
I wonder how much longer,it will take for the stock market,
to heed the same ominous warning signs that are out there ..?


Trend Analysis
