ThunderCore / Tether USD

Thundercore 3X+

Thundercore (TT) is an extremely fast blockchain with a quickly growing ecosystem, with a tendency to have real world applications as part of the eco (see Number Protocol and it's blockchain photo app Capture). One of the fastest, cheapest, most scalable with high security, but not built and run by Institution money (see KDA). The speed of blockchain development has picked up tremendous pace, it may be time to recognize that older blockchains built over a period of 5+ years are being surpassed by new tech. Betting on cross chain compatible, inexpensive and rapid blockchains is where the future should be. The rapid development and expanding nature, along with a chart showing similarities to FLUX before blowing up as it expanded to integrate Solana, etc leads to a very bullish forecast, with most large exchanges not yet supporting this "upstart" blockchain and ecosystem.
Thundercore remains one of the most exciting blockchain developments I've read of and researched to date. As it's ecosystem is quietly rolled out (see Number Protocol, deserves it's own write up here soon), bringing (along with other newer protocols and chains) more ease to all people to build on and participate in blockchain with limited or no coding abilities, let's just say after looking at Numbers, the realization built with Thundercore, that a photo can be taken from your iPhone, Samsung, etc and immediately be on chain with no ability for anyone to deny your ownership solves many problems from social media through large industry. This ecosystem is simply too exciting, so waiting for a 3X is even easier having read some of their plans. Alas, it will hit it's 3X, and then some...
Also note again significant similarities in the TT chart when compared to others such as FLUX in this case. Patterns can't be denied!

