
Ascending Triangle Points Towards Yuan Devaluation This Summer

Note: the technical indicators show a TTM squeeze ready on EVERY TF except Monthly, which is about to happen shortly by this summer - which means a massive move will happen. BOJ will blow up this summer and will devalue against the dollar forcing China to devalue to stay export competitive. I see a 50% devaluation - which will have the opposite effect on everyone else. If China devalues, that means they invite inflation into their economy, which forces deflation throughout the whole world. This will push up the dollar and blow up everyone else's currency. I see the dollar DXY going to 140-160+ before it too blows up. Of course this implosion will be blamed on some external false flag event - while the FED trots out CBDC's via DigitalID anchored to social credit scores that allows the FED to effectively use negative interest rates via social credit scores and time value of the credits. Gold and silver really won't matter because people will be looking for food.

Is great weekend reading that covers all the major players and their potential chess moves. It weighs possible moves and gives you a clear outlook of the market dynamics right now.
USDJPY is putting pressure on China's Yuan to devalue, which will lead to BOJ selling Treasuries.


Will Korea and Japan's Plaza Accord spur a Chinese devaluation? Yes if they actually do it. It won't work for long as the dollar will come roaring back as everyone defaults from hyperinflation. Ultimately I see 250 for the Yen, the Yuan will be 8-10 by the end of the year.

Nice succinct way of looking at the Yuan...
