I release a Weekly Wrapup & Update every week to all my subscribers on my website. I am re-posting it here but in a limited form due to posting restrictions. I am also splitting this post in parts as it is too long to post in one post. So this is Part 1 of this post. Look for Part 2 if you have interest in seeing the rest of it. If you want the complete post including more detailed 4HR charts, please go to my website to get it. Weekly Updates are free.

NZDUSD This past week, we saw this pair continue its drop in the leg D within that still forming bear flag. These legs are composed of 3 waves and the current drop should be the wave a of 3 waves. We should see a retrace back up in a wave b before the wave c down to complete the leg D.See my post on this pair and how to make sense of it: (B) NZDUSD: Preparing For A Fall.... (Basic subscription required. Click here to subscribe.)

USDCHF This pair had been one of the toughest pairs to analyze and trade for the past month. And now it is clear why that was. We're seeing an EED form. EED's are one of the toughest patterns to trade because it is very difficult to spot it coming until it is usually too late. But here we have one that is looking very much like it is about to end. And when we see it complete, then the next move down should be much more tradeable. See my post on USDCHF for details: (B) USDCHF: Completed Ending Diagonal Leads To Massive Reversal. But Long Term Is Down. (Basic subscription required. Click here to subscribe.)

GBPJPY has been out BIG earner this past month. Banking almost +4000 pips. We ended up closing our 2 trades in this pair and banking all that money. But that does not mean I am changing my expectations of a MUCH bigger move to come. No. I am still expecting that to happen. However, it now appears that the wave (iii) of the 5-wave wave (a) is underway. So now the job is to find a good entry without risking too much. I will have a FULL update in this pair posted soon. Look for it. In the meantime, you can refer to the previous posts. See my recent FULL analysis post on this pair for details: (P) GBPJPY: Don’t Take Your Eyes Off The Big Picture! and also a recently posted Trade Update: (P) GBPJPY Trades Quick Update. So Far +3442 pips Combined (Premium subscription required.) 快照

EURJPY If you had been reading my posts on this pair and been in my Skype Member's chat room, then you know that I have been talking about a HUGE OPPORTUNITY setting up in this pair. And usually, when I warn of a HUGE OPPORTUNITY, it more often than not is VERY REWARDING! Well, that opportunity in this pair may be here. My wave count has the MAJOR wave III over and done with and that the retrace of that wave III in a wave IV is now underway. We are now LONG in this pair and already in profit and waiting for more. It can still move back down or consolidate a bit before moving though. See my recent analysis post on this pair for details: (P) EURJPY: MAJOR Trend Change Can Be Underway! (Premium subscription required. )

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These posts tale A LOT of work to create! I can only hope that it helps you in your trading and I hope it is appreciated. For those that criticize the what I post, why I post or for that matter, criticize others for their posts, trading methods or claim that the way they post is disrespectful to the community just to make their own posts seem more important than others are PATHETIC! Respect ALL posters who spend their time and hard work to post here! None of us need to do it. I don't simply draw a few lines on my charts and tell you that it may go one way or another and leave it at that. I could spend 5 mins doing that and slap a chart up too but I don't. So please comment if you wish but keep it constructive! I NEVER criticize anyone for the way they post or the content of their posts. THAT would be disrespectful!
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