Monthly in Red, Weekly in Blue, short term(8 hours) in Pink and 45 mnts in Black
Very simple case. We are in a stage where the probability of going upward is high. But this idea is about 45 mnts
Eventually I see the gold at 1832 but shall we take every drop of water available, of course yes when possible.
Because it has run fast 1750 to 1814, it must retrace towards 50% and 61.8% of 45 mnts which is in Black and with a support from weekly fib level 23% around 1775 area.
Agree so far???
What next? once it reaches 1775 area, No evaluation is needed because it will then try to go to the confluence of weekly , monthly and daily fib level which is 1830.
Please let me know what you think. gold is considered as complicated, is it really?