BLUF: SPX 2200-2700 (Bearish) Yep…that’s wide risk-range…get used to it! It’s an Unpredictable-Volatile Market with a HIGH ROC(s)….Don’t fight the Trend! M&A???
Nothing but the Facts, Please…keep your BS beliefs to yourself and twitter!
-Notably, in the 6 months and 12 months following the prior four quarterly drops of 20%+ since 1945, the S&P 500 was higher every time. Over the next year, the index was higher by 10% or more every time.
-The next earnings period starts 14APR2020!
-XLP…Consumer Staples still going UP…in Normal Conditions this is NOT going up…TBD!
***Pre-Virus & Post-Virus…Get used to it! It’s not gonna be the same folks…Adapt or Die***
Of NOTE: Yes, it looks/smells like a bottom is near but NO ONE Knows for sure…so maintain situational awareness of being “Cautiously-Optimistic.”
When looking at “Signature-Management,” please add the below to your list of which no one talks about or writes about but it a Very-Good signature the conditions are changing….”M&A Activity”
*U.S. M&A deal activity decreased in February, going down 22.4% with 1,045 announcements compared to 1,347 in January. However, aggregate M&A spending increased. In February 60.1% more was spent on deals compared to January. ***When this starts to consistantly "Uptick," thats a VG sign conditions are changing...when the smartypants see, ok, lets start gobbling up smart acquisitions!
Folks…this is not a sprint or a race….set in, find your rhythm and put it on auto-pilot. “Fast is smooth and Smooth is Fast” Nobody saw it coming, why should anybody see it going/rebounding?
“The only trade I’m certain about at the moment is going long humility and short hubris.”
When conditions of environments are this chaotic…the only thing that works is having a Plan followed by a Process and Manage your Trade(s)….Muscle Memory!
Cheers... Neither a Bull or Bear...What's in front of us? Find-Fix-Finish!