


Bitcoin maxis & other doom sayers are expecting a massive global economic crash. They are expecting governments to print money into oblivion because this WAS one of the only ways they can save themselves. 10 years ago I agreed with all this. There was just no alternative...
Okay, they could have revalued Gold way higher & fixed some of the issues. But this didnt make much sense because this would mean going backwards to another gold standard era which didnt work before. Also, not every central bank has gold. Would have created more inequality...
I agreed with the Bitcoiners during the early days. Bitcoin was the alternative. Bitcoin was the solution and the future. All that changed when XRP started making moves in the right direction. 2014-2015 XRP did a 180 turn and was more laser focused on rescuing the system...
So today Bitcoin Maxis are stuck on the old mindset, they are expecting this crash & hyper inflation to destroy fiat currencies globally & this would open the door to Bitcoin being the superior global currency that every single human will use. This kind of thinking is flawed....
#XRP is the dream destroyer of the Bitcoin maxi and this is why the hatred exists. XRP is the true digital gold & a wealth creation tool that will re-liquidify the system. XRP is just waiting for value activation which will come as soon as negotiations are complete...
Negotiations about the settling of debt and the coming together by all nations to support this new world digital reserve asset. 50 of the biggest governments and central banks are already on board and these are the players negotiating debt settlement etc. A new system is coming..
And that system will be powered by #XRP. There will be no doomsday economic crisis. This will be avoided for if this were to occur, the world would never recover. The powers that be will not sit by and allow their control of wealth and power to fall to bitcoin maxis. Patience!
Regulations is the green light. Regulations is the signal that negotiations are complete and we are ready to go to the new system. Regulations is what will allow XRP value to finally be unleashed. Makes no sense activating this wealth before negotiations are completed.

