
XRP - Rare set up full of indecision

Ever seen Discovery Channel wildlife shows where the British guy talks with a very intense voice "Now This is A Rare Sighting of an Octopus Nursery That We Are Witnessing Here Today With you"...

Just look at this bloody beast. 2 dojis are absolutely astonishing and are on the same altitude. They are like Ying and Yang, Moose and Rocco, Kobe and Shaq.

Structures above and below the latitude are inverse of each other. Let the chart speak for itself, but its making me think we are going to $1.

I am personally out of the trade as indecision is real for me. DXY might bounce and if it does, it will pull everything down with the rise. When it tops, I will go back in but for now I wait. I have made plenty if mistakes and prefer to sit on the sidelines.

