heres the chart going into march first. zoom into the october until now area to see it more clearly. happy leap year!
did you see the new commercial that The Simpsons put out about cyrptocurrency with Professor Frink and the sales person named April? Gold Nugget ideas all over the place. Satoshi Nakamoto really had a great idea with crypto. but watching the game show of XRP To The Moon all while you're eating chocolate eggs is a promising idea too. im surprised that they didnt mention XRP because Bitcoin is really just an Energy Gobbling system and you need a lot of Super Cool air in an Air Conditioned room to keep it running. but ill tell you what, i bet that Air Conditioning system is cold enough to give me that new simpson Osaka Flu ,cant remember its scientific name right now. it was concerning when Satoshi said that an RFID Implant might leave an effect on a Distributed Ledger by turning it into a beast though. maybe he could have been a member of Freemasonry - but im not sure if he actually was a Freemason to be honest. RFID Hand ? oh well.. i guess we just have to keep the Ripple partner company Flywheel and Rthree moving along, and hope that their projects called Xrapid , and Xvia do well. on a side note, i hope that Justin Trudeau manages to rise like a Phoenix from his blunders, while elon musk finally gets that Starlink system up and running. if they had both played their cards right back in the day, they probably could have been on the cover of that 1988 economist magazine, youve seen the cover of that right? hell, i bet that justin, elon and brad could have helped implement a new system with the international monetary fund named something random like XML , XTZ , or XMR if they had. XRP still looks like the most golden idea though. oh well, i guess we just have to look forward to that XRP backed by golden ideas until we know that that It Went In.