
ZRX (Ox Protocol)- Lesson's for new entrants. 2x here.

Dear Trade Diary,

Made a nice 3x on a modest position in ZRX getting in 1/30 and out 2/8. Nothing to write home about. However in retrospect, having investigated the use case for this protocol and its full chart life, i'd have stayed in. So, i'm back in. Long position this morning at $1.42. Will dollar cost average into this position all the way to $1.25 (if it comes to that).

what i mean by investigating the full chart life is this (IMPORTANT LESSON): There are a dozen charts for just about every trading pair in crypto. One for each exchange platform. The KEY is to understand that the chart 'life' of a trading pair only begins on the day which that particular exchange 'lists' the pair for trading.

I know there are going to be plenty of people saying 'duh' here. And i'd probably be one of them most of the time. But when you are looking for entry and exit points in the newer defi projects (Ox isn't that new i know), its hard to remember to confirm all data. Suffice to say i had enough data to know i wanted to enter ZRX at $0.50 cents. And it wasn't until a few days after I closed my position at $1.50 that i realized the ATH for this protocol is $2.50 and its prior local ATH is right around $1.80.

This bigger narrative is why i am back in ZRX. It's going to play around in the $1.20 to $1.50 area for another few days, but this is what it has going for it:

1. weathered this recent storm,
2. maintained its price for 5 days after a steep/recent (3x) run
3. still priced at half of its prior ATH when its peers have already broken through.
4. A central and irrplaceable oracle for the largest defi trading platforms.

The above makes this a strong buy for a 1-2 week 2x from here. I'm putting 5% of my portfolio here. Why not more? Well it has nothing to do with uncertainty that is for sure. Its just my bags are soooo damn packed for the next shuttle launch that i'd have to sell my children to take a bigger position. There's got to be an .io for that lol.

Ox is to defi (for the time being) what LINK is to ETH. Admittedly there is alot more competition in the defi space and there are some defi platforms running other protocols. But half of all defi liquidity pools are using Ox and defi continues to smash new records everyday in terms of locked crypto. All that equals value IMHO. Even if 'value' is really hard to determine in a decentralized opensource protocol, the staking returns will only continue to rise as more crypto entrants harness their full buying power.

This is not advice. Not an expert. Just putting my thoughts in writing for personal reference material.


