Due to work-related reasons, the frequency of publishing individual stock opinions will be reduced in the future. Proceed with caution and cherish the journey. Publicly shared stocks are only for personal marking purposes and not recommendations. For those who choose to follow, stop-loss should be controlled within 6%, while there is no upper limit for profit-taking (for stocks hitting the daily limit, regardless of whether the limit is maintained, they can be held for up to 7 more days). Please take note.Thank you for your support!😊
AI图表分析与操作建议(IO/USDT 30分钟周期)结合缠论核心逻辑与当前图表结构(中枢、背驰、走势级别)及MACD指标,以下是具体分析和操作思路:
1. 大趋势方向
• 整体走势处于上升趋势,形成了多个上涨中枢,价格呈现震荡上行。
• 高点:4.777
• 关键低点:1.415、2.17、2.6
• 当前价格:3.812,正处于回调后的震荡区间内。
2. 中枢形成与突破
• 第一个中枢(2.133 – 2.17 区域):横盘整理后选择向上突破。
• 第二个中枢(3.033 – 3.618 区域):价格多次回踩确认后向上突破,形成新高。
• 高点4.777回调:价格在高点出现顶背驰,随后进入下跌,当前已回调至3.6 – 3.7支撑区间。
3. 背驰现象
• 顶背驰:
• 在4.777高点,MACD柱体与快慢线未能同步创新高,动能减弱,预示价格回调。
• 底背驰:
• 当前在3.735 附近,MACD绿柱缩短,快慢线接近金叉,显示下跌动能衰竭,有可能形成底部反弹。
1. 短线操作(30分钟级别)
• 支撑位:3.735 – 3.6 区域
• 压力位:4.2 – 4.3 区域
1. 确认底部信号买入:
• 观察 3.735 附近是否出现底背驰信号:
• MACD绿柱缩短,快慢线金叉;
• K线形成止跌信号(如阳包阴、锤子线等)。
• 分批买入,止损设在3.6 下方。
2. 反弹目标与卖出:
• 若反弹至4.2 – 4.3 区域,关注MACD动能:
• 若动能未放量,存在二次回调风险,可减仓获利。
• 上方强压力位:4.5 和 4.777,突破前需谨慎。
2. 中线操作(趋势跟随)
1. 布局关键支撑区域:
• 在3.6 – 3.7 区域观察结构确认支撑有效,可以分批加仓,目标为挑战前高。
2. 目标与风险:
• 第一目标:4.2 – 4.3 区域
• 第二目标:突破后挑战4.5 和 4.777 高点
• 若跌破3.6 支撑位,需止损离场,等待更低位置重新布局。
1. 仓位管理:
• 分批操作,避免一次性重仓进场。
• 将资金分为短线仓位和中线仓位,灵活调整操作。
2. 止损设置:
• 短线止损:3.6 下方
• 中线止损:若跌破重要趋势线或低点(如3.6),需果断止损。
3. MACD信号确认:
• 重点关注MACD绿柱缩短、金叉信号,以及价格走势形成的底背驰确认,作为买入依据。
1. 短线策略:
• 在 3.735 – 3.6 区域 寻找底背驰买点,反弹目标看至 4.2 – 4.3 区域,遇阻减仓。
2. 中线布局:
• 支撑有效时加仓,中线目标挑战前高 4.5 和 4.777。
3. 风险管理:
• 严格执行止损,确保仓位控制在合理范围,减少回调带来的风险。
1. **供需关系基础理解**
- **绿色区域**代表**需求区**(支撑区域):价格在这些区域附近有较强的买入意愿,通常会反弹。
- **红色区域**代表**供给区**(压力区域):价格接近这些区域时,会遇到较强的卖出压力,可能回落。
- 通过这些区域可以判断价格反转的潜在区域,并结合K线形态验证供需力量的平衡或失衡。
2. **各周期供需分析**
- 价格下跌后反弹,目前接近短期供给区(红色区域)。
- 说明短期卖压较强,如果价格未能突破供给区,则可能回落。
- 同样显示一个较强的供给区,价格接近此区域后遇阻下跌。
- 需求区(绿色区域)在更低的位置起到支撑作用。
- 价格在供给区附近回落,体现出卖方力量主导。
- 下方需求区有支撑,短期内可能震荡。
- 价格接近长期供给区后再次回落,显示出更强的卖压。
- 下方需求区分布较大,价格支撑的力度更强。
- 价格在供需平衡中波动,短期内需求区提供支撑,反弹动能较弱。
- 日线显示出价格正在触及供需平衡点。
- 如果需求区支撑有效,价格有望在此区域反弹。
- 价格反弹遇到供给区,显示出较强的卖压。
- 下方需求区支撑仍然有效,长期走势需要关注多空力量平衡。
- 大级别月线图显示长期供给区压力较大。
- 下方需求区则表现为关键支撑区域,说明中长期需要积累动能突破压力区。
3. **总结与建议**
- **短期策略**:价格在5分钟和15分钟图供给区遇阻,短线回调概率较高,需关注需求区的支撑情况。
- **中期策略**:1小时到4小时图供需平衡区显示多空力量相对均衡,可等待突破方向。
- **长期策略**:日线、周线及月线级别显示长期供给区压力较强,投资者需关注需求区的反弹力度以及未来量能配合情况。
Buy in the midst of widespread grief, sell in the midst of a clamor of people, advance in the midst of gunfire, retreat in the midst of fireworks, everyone is afraid but I am greedy, everyone is greedy but I am afraid. I like green and love falling, I hate red and hate rising, I chase falling and kill rising, I buy Yin and sell Yang, these are the first lessons of investment at the cognitive level
This technical analysis chart shows the **supply and demand relationship** of the **Shanghai Composite Index** (Shanghai Stock Index) in different time periods, which can be analyzed by combining the supply and demand range and the K-line trend. The following is a detailed interpretation:
1. **Basic understanding of supply and demand relationship**
- **Green areas** represent **demand areas** (support areas): Prices have a strong willingness to buy near these areas and usually rebound.
- **Red areas** represent **supply areas** (pressure areas): When prices approach these areas, they will encounter strong selling pressure and may fall back.
- Through these areas, the potential areas for price reversal can be judged, and the balance or imbalance of supply and demand forces can be verified by combining the K-line pattern.
2. **Supply and demand analysis of each cycle**
**5-minute chart (upper left corner)**
- After the price fell, it rebounded and is currently close to the short-term supply area (red area).
- It shows that the short-term selling pressure is strong. If the price fails to break through the supply area, it may fall back.
**15-minute chart (upper middle)**
- It also shows a strong supply area. The price encounters resistance and falls after approaching this area.
- The demand area (green area) plays a supporting role at a lower position.
**1-hour chart (upper right middle)**
- The price fell back near the supply area, reflecting the dominant force of sellers.
- There is support in the demand area below, and it may fluctuate in the short term.
**2-hour chart (upper right)**
- After the price approaches the long-term supply area, it fell again, showing stronger selling pressure.
- The demand area below is larger, and the price support is stronger.
**4-hour chart (lower left corner)**
- The price fluctuates in the balance of supply and demand. The demand area provides support in the short term, and the rebound momentum is weak.
**Daily chart (lower middle)**
- The daily chart shows that the price is reaching the balance point of supply and demand.
- If the demand zone support is effective, the price is expected to rebound in this area.
**Weekly chart (lower right middle)**
- The price rebound encounters the supply zone, showing strong selling pressure.
- The support of the lower demand zone is still effective, and the long-term trend needs to pay attention to the balance of long and short forces.
**Monthly chart (lower right corner)**
- The large-scale monthly chart shows that the long-term supply zone has greater pressure.
- The lower demand zone is a key support area, indicating that it is necessary to accumulate momentum to break through the pressure zone in the medium and long term.
3. **Summary and suggestions**
- **Short-term strategy**: The price encounters resistance in the supply zone of the 5-minute and 15-minute charts, and the probability of short-term correction is high. It is necessary to pay attention to the support of the demand zone.
- **Medium-term strategy**: The supply and demand balance zone of the 1-hour to 4-hour chart shows that the long and short forces are relatively balanced, and the breakthrough direction can be waited for.
- **Long-term strategy**: Daily, weekly and monthly levels show that the long-term supply zone has strong pressure. Investors need to pay attention to the rebound strength of the demand zone and the future volume coordination.
Through the above analysis of **supply and demand relationship**, the potential price trend can be comprehensively judged by combining trading volume, K-line pattern and market momentum. For traders, the supply and demand area is an important support and pressure point, which helps to optimize entry and exit strategies.
12月16日量化题材以及个股 Quantitative themes and individual stocks量化结果,总结如下:
1. 从题材热度来看,新能源车、军工、光伏等题材热度较高,分别为 88.9%、83.3% 和 77.8%。这些行业可能受到政策支持或市场看好,吸引了较多资金流入。
2. 半导体、医药生物的热度适中,分别为 66.7% 和 55.6%。这两个行业是长期看好的方向,虽然热度不及前几个,但仍有过半数个股呈现活跃态势。
3. 白酒、消费电子的热度相对较低,只有 33.3%。可能是这两个行业近期缺乏明显的利好刺激,市场参与度不高。
4. 从涨幅来看,涨幅最大的是光伏,有 11.1% 的个股涨幅超过 7%。其次是新能源车,有 22.2% 的个股涨幅在 5-7% 之间。
5. 半导体、军工虽然整体热度高,但涨幅并不突出,主要集中在 3-5% 区间。医药生物涨幅也较为平淡。
6. 白酒和消费电子虽然热度低,但并非都是下跌的。白酒有 1/3 的个股涨幅在 1-3%,消费电子涨跌参半,各有 1/3。
The quantitative results are summarized as follows:
1. In terms of the popularity of themes, new energy vehicles, military industry, photovoltaics and other themes are relatively popular, at 88.9%, 83.3% and 77.8% respectively. These industries may be supported by policies or optimistic about the market, attracting more capital inflows.
2. The popularity of semiconductors and pharmaceutical biology is moderate, at 66.7% and 55.6% respectively. These two industries are long-term optimistic directions. Although the popularity is not as high as the previous ones, more than half of the stocks are still active.
3. The popularity of liquor and consumer electronics is relatively low, only 33.3%. It may be that these two industries lack obvious positive stimuli recently, and the market participation is not high.
4. In terms of the increase, photovoltaics have the largest increase, with 11.1% of stocks increasing by more than 7%. The second is new energy vehicles, with 22.2% of stocks increasing by 5-7%.
5. Although semiconductors and military industry are hot overall, the increase is not outstanding, mainly concentrated in the 3-5% range. The increase in pharmaceuticals and biology is also relatively flat.
6. Although liquor and consumer electronics are not hot, not all of them are falling. One-third of liquor stocks rose by 1-3%, and consumer electronics stocks rose and fell, with 1/3 each.
In general, new energy vehicles and photovoltaics are the most active themes at present, followed by semiconductors, military industry, and pharmaceuticals and biology, while liquor and consumer electronics are relatively sluggish. However, it is still necessary to pay attention to the performance of individual stocks, and there will be differences within the same theme. The chart can only be used as a reference, and investment needs to be combined with other factors such as fundamentals for comprehensive judgment.
1. 价格结构与缠论中枢
• 前期上涨段落
• 大幅回调段落
• 当前位置
2. MACD背离分析
• 底背离
• 位置:1.0447
• 观察:价格创出新低,但MACD的绿柱逐步缩短,低点1.0447与MACD指标的低点没有同步创新低,形成底背离信号。
• 意义:这是多头反攻的信号,随后价格展开了一波反弹。
• 顶背离
• 位置:1.2224附近
• 观察:价格创出新高,但MACD红柱缩短且动能减弱,形成顶背离,随后价格开始回落。
• 意义:表明上涨动能衰竭,空方力量开始占优。
3. 操作建议
• 当前位置:价格已反弹到1.10附近,同时面临下行趋势线的压制。
• 建议:
• 若价格突破1.11并站稳,考虑加仓多单,目标看至1.2224(前高)。
• 若价格无法突破趋势线,可能继续回落,等待在1.06-1.07支撑区间再次布局多单。
• 止损位:跌破1.06,止损离场,等待1.0447附近重新寻找机会。
• 上涨突破点:
• 若有效突破1.11压力,短期上涨目标为1.2224,若放量突破,可进一步上看1.30。
• 回调支撑点:
• 回调至1.06-1.07支撑有效时,可以再次布局多单。
4. 风险控制
• 严格设置止损,1.06为短线止损位。
• 关注成交量:突破压力时是否有放量是关键。
1. 底背离:1.0447是近期低点,底背离支撑反弹。
2. 顶背离:1.2224区域表现出顶背离,动能减弱导致价格回调。
3. 操作建议:
• 短期关注1.11的突破情况。
• 回调至1.06-1.07可以低吸多单,目标看至1.2224和更高位置。
• 严格止损于1.06以下。
W usdt AI根据盘面按照缠论逻辑给的建议从这张30分钟K线图来看,基于缠论操作逻辑,我们可以进行以下详细分析和操作建议:
1. 市场结构与缠论分析
• 中枢与上涨结构
• 前期价格从0.211上涨到0.4153,这是明显的上升趋势。
• 随后价格快速回调至0.2643,这是一个较大的下跌段落,形成了市场的第一段调整结构。
• 从0.2643反弹,价格构建新的上涨趋势,目前处于0.3089到0.3592的区间整理。
• 当前位置与趋势
2. 操作建议(缠论逻辑)
• 盘整区间内高抛低吸
• 当前区间:0.3089 - 0.3592
• 止损位:若价格跌破0.3089,止损离场,等待更低位置重新入场。
• 向上突破
• 操作:突破后等待回踩确认支撑有效(0.3592),再加仓多单。
• 目标:第一目标0.3912,第二目标0.4153。
• 向下突破
• 操作:跌破后空仓观望,等待更低支撑位0.2643附近布局多单。
3. 技术指标辅助分析
• MACD指标
• 当前MACD线已经金叉,反映短线多头动能增强,市场有向上突破的潜力。
• 若后续能持续放量上涨,金叉扩大,可作为做多的确认信号。
• 成交量
• 近期成交量有所放大,说明市场在上升中有资金参与,若突破压力位时放量,将增加上涨的概率。
4. 风险控制与总结
• 短线操作:在0.3089 - 0.3592区间内高抛低吸。
• 突破策略:
• 向上突破0.3592,加仓多单,目标0.3912和0.4153。
• 跌破0.3089,止损离场,等待0.2643区域支撑。
• 风险控制:严格设置止损,控制仓位比例,避免追涨杀跌。