如何理解寒武纪的市梦率? 寒武纪上周触及777.77的历史天价,然后开始下跌。 对此市场观点非常对立。看好的人喊着要成为第一高价股,看空的人觉得就是一个垃圾,就是一个骗局。 说实话,我个人对于寒武纪非常不感冒,尤其是在看过摩尔线程的产品后,更觉得他们没有希望。但显然市场机构并不这么看,你看一下科创板ETF,寒武纪是大部分ETF的前五持仓,平均在5%左右,你不能说这些机构都是在搏傻。 所以我们可以透过现象看本质,看看一个“垃圾股"被炒上天背后的逻辑。 寒武纪炒高还有一个令人诟病的,就是他入选了上证50,在多少人严重,上证50一直代表着稳重,代表着国之重器。从来都是银行,大央企,茅台们的代名词。 但你翻看一下现在的成分股,居然有了5家半导体公司。你第一时间想到了什么? 我想到的事,喊了那么多年的科技兴国,真的要实现了。5年前我就一直憧憬中国也有自己的FAANG,但这么多年过去了,市值前十的A股,还是银行,茅台,两桶油。当然,不是说他们不好,但如果我们股市一直都是这些周期股占统治地位,我们A股怎么可能有突破。如果用某些人的说法,3000点就挺好,那的确合理。但现在,我们在上证50里面发现了这么多的半导体公司,半导体是什么?这代表了中国的科技力量啊! 另外塞力斯也是一个争议很大的标的,但你如果认为塞力斯代表着华为的终端,也许就能够理解了。 所以我想说,中国正在改变,最近看了清华一个研讨会,与会者的发言让我感受很深。越来越多人开始意识到中美博弈的本质,开始放弃幻想,脚踏实地的做好自己。这是个好的转变。 高层也放下包袱,今年全力以赴,保发展,促消费。虽然我们现在还不能确定几时走出通缩阴影,但这种举国之力办大事,不可能没有效果。 既然股市是经济晴雨表,那么经过了一年多的政策改变,今年一定会有市场反馈出现。所以我认为2025年,不悲观。 特别是科创板,如果你还记得2014年的创业板,那么科创板就是创业板当年的翻版。 如果寒武纪的炒作可以被默认,那么科创板很大公司都会大受鼓舞。国家的重担是脱虚如实,既是利用我们制造业的优势,在ai赋能的背景下,寻找新质生产力。这个大逻辑没错,应该相信我们的国家。要知道现在这一批创业者,很多都是10年前从美国回来的,他们掌握了先进的技术和理念,一旦给他们松绑,一定会大有作为。 建议,当然,我不是让大家去买寒武纪,但你可以关注科创板,20日科创板综指推出,会有更多新资金入场。相信2025年市场不会太差。祝愿大家也能享受到中国科技大发展的红利。由peter-l提供3
002927 泰永长征止损14.79 行业:电力设备>电力设备>输变电设备 概念:专精特新、充电桩、比亚迪概念、智能电网、数字经济、储能、数据中心、高压快充、工业互联网、智能制造、5G 高压快充+电网设备+PCB+商业航天 1、公司具有充电桩系统集成的研发能力和构成组件的全生产流程、并具有自主开发的智能云充电运营管理平台,能为用户提供全方位的系统解决方案; 2、公司主要从事双电源转换开关、断路器、变压器、新能源充电设备等,此外还有部分产品系列可用于风电、光伏等领域 1.公司致力于为用户提供安全可靠的智能变配充电整体解决方案及服务。公司的智慧物联变压器、智慧物联断路器等产品可应用于智能电网建设。2.公司具有充电桩系统集成的研发能力和构成组件的全生产流程、并具有自主开发的智能云充电运营管理平台,能为用户提供全方位的系统解决方案。 Stop loss 14.79 Industry: Power Equipment > Power Equipment > Power Transmission and Transformation Equipment Concept: Specialization, Charging Pile, BYD Concept, Smart Grid, Digital Economy, Energy Storage, Data Center, High Voltage Fast Charging, Industrial Internet, Smart Manufacturing, 5G High Voltage Fast Charging + Power Grid Equipment + PCB + Commercial Aerospace 1. The company has the R&D capability of charging pile system integration and the whole production process of components, and has a self-developed intelligent cloud charging operation and management platform, which can provide users with a full range of system solutions; 2. The company is mainly engaged in dual power conversion switches, circuit breakers, transformers, new energy charging equipment, etc. In addition, some product series can be used in wind power, photovoltaic and other fields 1. The company is committed to providing users with safe and reliable intelligent distribution charging overall solutions and services. The company's smart IoT transformers, smart IoT circuit breakers and other products can be used in smart grid construction. 2. The company has the R&D capability of charging pile system integration and the whole production process of components, and has a self-developed intelligent cloud charging operation and management platform, which can provide users with a full range of system solutions.做多由AASFANS提供223
张裕A 000869 天图级别 波段交易 做多张裕A 000869 天图级别 波段交易 做多 做多理由: 看涨蝙蝠形态+SMC看涨订单块+成交量分布+(看涨K线形态确认)=做多 小级别等回踩,找机会入场做多。 入场位20元附近,止损位放在19.30元。 20元—19.30元=0.70元(每股止损金额) 第一目标位看22.50元附近,减半仓,推保护, 第二目标位看25元附近,再减半仓,推保护。 尾仓随它去,减仓推保护。 做多由Jasmine-Flower提供8
605580 恒盛能源 :垄!断!(个人操作,不作为投资参考) 止损:10.6 行业:公用事业>电力>热力 概念:电力改革、绿色电力、培育钻石、固废处理、碳交易、高股息精选 培育钻石+电力 1、公司此前拟以现金方式向桦茂科技增资1亿元,增资完成后公司将直接持有桦茂科技 66.67%的股权; 桦茂科技是一家专业从事CVD产业链相关技术研发及相关产品生产销售的企业。主要业务规划包括:具备 MPCVD 法培育大钻石技术、(HTHP)优化钻石品质技术、具备超硬材料激光切割加工能力公司主营热电联产业务,以煤炭和生物质作为燃料,通过热电联产方式生产蒸汽和电力做多由AASFANS提供4
603291 联合水务行业:环保>环保>水务及水治理 概念:污水处理、PPP概念、一带一路 公司主营为自来水生产与供应、污水处理与污水资源化中水回用、市政工程业务 Industry: Environmental Protection > Environmental Protection > Water Affairs and Water Management Concepts: Wastewater Treatment, PPP Concept, One Belt One Road The company's main business is tap water production and supply, wastewater treatment and wastewater resource recycling, municipal engineering business做多由AASFANS提供2
000715 中兴商业:新零售持续了几个月还没完?Fucking good ! 太猛了新零售,如国芳、中兴都存在一流的大资金反复洗 行业:商贸零售>零售>百货零售 概念:新零售、商超百货、网络直播、电子商务 商务部副部长:加快出台推动首发经济的政策文件 零售+新营销方式+东北旅游 公司主营商场主要分布于沈阳市核心商圈 公司以商业零售为主要业务,经营业态包括百货、超市、便利店、网络购物平台等,主要分布于沈阳市核心商圈。 It’s too fierce. New retail, such as Guofang and ZTE, have first-class big funds that have been laundered repeatedly. Industry: Commerce Retail>Retail>Department Store Retail Concept: new retail, supermarkets, department stores, online live streaming, e-commerce Vice Minister of Commerce: Accelerate the issuance of policy documents to promote the first economy Retail + new marketing methods + Northeast tourism The company's main shopping malls are mainly located in the core business district of Shenyang City The company's main business is commercial retail, and its business operations include department stores, supermarkets, convenience stores, online shopping platforms, etc., mainly distributed in the core business district of Shenyang City.做多由AASFANS提供2
东方雨虹 002271 周图级别 做多东方雨虹 002271 周图级别 做多 做多理由: 看涨蝙蝠形态+SMC看涨订单块+成交量分布+(看涨K线形态确认)=做多 小级别等回踩,找机会入场做多。 入场为8.20元附近,止损位放在6.70元。 8.20元—6.70元=1.50元 第一目标位看15元附近,减半仓,推保护。 第二目标位看30元附近,再减半仓,推保护。 第三目标位看55元附近,再减半仓,推保护。 尾仓随它去,减仓推保护。做多由Jasmine-Flower提供6
已梭603229 603229 has been collected上周提前布局8.6%仓位,今天加仓10%,跌破成本出局(个人操作,不作为投资参考) 行业:医药生物>化学制药>原料药 概念:生物医药、肝炎概念、新冠特效药 创新药+CRO+外销 公司主要从事特色原料药及医药中间体的研产销,供货真实生物、开拓药业 公司主要从事特色原料药及医药中间体的研发、生产与销售,以及为客户提供定制生产和研发业务,主要产品是特色原料药及医药中间体,成熟产品已有双环醇、恩替卡韦、西他沙星、泊沙康唑、非布司他、奈必洛尔、米格列醇等。 Last week, I arranged 8.6% of my position in advance. Today, I increased my position and exited the market when the price fell below the cost (personal operation, not for investment reference) Industry: Pharmaceutical Biology>Chemical Pharmaceuticals>API Concepts: Biopharmaceuticals, Hepatitis Concepts, COVID-19 Specific Drugs Innovative Drugs + CRO + Exports The company is mainly engaged in the research, production and sales of specialty APIs and pharmaceutical intermediates, supplying Real Biology and Kaituo Pharmaceuticals The company is mainly engaged in the research, production and sales of specialty APIs and pharmaceutical intermediates, as well as providing customized production and research and development services for customers. The main products are specialty APIs and pharmaceutical intermediates. Mature products include bicyclol, entecavir, sitafloxacin, posaconazole, febuxostat, nebivolol, miglitol, etc.做多由AASFANS提供333
给大家拜个早年:新年快乐!滴滴,福袋请查收! Happy New Year to everyone! 图表依次: 南王科技 朗科科技 信音电子 佳禾智能 和仁科技 和顺电气 中远通 佩蒂股份 祝大家2025年保持健康的同时一路发发发! The charts are as follows: Nanwang Technology Langke Technology Xinyin Electronics Jiahe Intelligent Technology Heren Technology Heshun Electric COSCO Pedi Shares I wish you all good health and prosperity in 2025!做多由AASFANS提供0
603766 隆鑫通用:优质农用无人机企业个人见解,不作为他人投资参考 止损:8.03 行业:交运设备>非汽车交运>其他交运设备 概念:农业信息化、乡村振兴、航空发动机、中非合作、新能源整车、无人机、农机、军工、室外经济、通用航空、新能源汽车、两轮车、充电桩、人民币贬值受益、储能、高压快充 1、国内优质农用无人机企业; 通航发动机项目按计划运行中,已给客户送样处于验证阶段; 2、公司完成 7kW 交流、 90~160kW 直流充电桩产品开发,搭建“隆鑫新能源”充电站运营管理云平台,为客户提供用户管理、订单管理、远程设备监控等运营管理服务 Personal opinion, not for others to invest in reference Stop loss: 8.03 Industry: Transportation equipment > Non-automotive transportation > Other transportation equipment Concepts: Agricultural informatization, rural revitalization, aviation engines, China-Africa cooperation, new energy vehicles, drones, agricultural machinery, military industry, outdoor economy, general aviation, new energy vehicles, two-wheeled vehicles, charging piles, RMB depreciation benefits, energy storage, high-voltage fast charging 1. Domestic high-quality agricultural drone companies; The general aviation engine project is running as planned, and samples have been sent to customers in the verification stage; 2. The company has completed the development of 7kW AC and 90~160kW DC charging pile products, and built the "Loncin New Energy" charging station operation management cloud platform to provide customers with user management, order management, remote equipment monitoring and other operation management services做多由AASFANS提供3