
PRESSR: Expansion of Mobiz Management Consultancy opens doors for GCC business integration with Microsoft Azure Cloud

Manama, Bahrain - Mobiz Management Consultancy, a leading IT solutions consultancy, is pleased to announce the opening of its new branch in Bahrain to meet the growing demand for information technology services in the GCC region. This expansion will allow businesses in Bahrain to utilize Microsoft's Azure cloud platform, aiding in their digital transformation and success in today's constantly changing digital landscape.

Mobiz Management Consultancy provides a wide range of services, including cloud services, cyber security, data and AI, digital workplace solutions, and more. Focused on delivering cutting-edge technology solutions, Mobiz aims to assist businesses in the GCC region by serving as a central hub for all their technological requirements, easing the transition with a proven track record of custom automation and flawless integrations.

Musab Abdulla, Executive Director of Business Development – ICT at Bahrain Economic Development Board, said,  “We are delighted to welcome Mobiz to Bahrain to establish their regional technology hub, driving economic growth and technological advancement. As a leading IT solutions provider headquartered in the US with international presence, they stand to benefit from Bahrain’s regionally best value operating cost and strategic location, which provides facilitated access to serve the wider region. Mobiz will be enhancing digital transformation services, especially in cloud engineering and AI applications, leveraging Bahrain's digitally savvy workforce and gender diversity in technology skills."

Entering the market with Microsoft, the fastest-growing cloud provider globally, Hamad Riaz, CEO of Mobiz Management Consultancy, stated, "We are excited to introduce top-notch technology to organizations in the GCC region with the support of Microsoft. Mobiz is dedicated to propelling your business to new heights by providing outstanding technical solutions."

By utilizing their new branch in Bahrain, Mobiz will help companies optimize efficiency, scalability, and security with Microsoft Azure, with a commitment to offer innovative solutions that prioritize their clients' business growth and success.


For more information, please contact: Yasmina Abuhendi:

About Mobiz Management Consultancy:

Mobiz Management Consultancy is a trusted partner for businesses seeking digital transformation. Specializing in IT solutions, with over ten years of experience, Mobiz Management Consultancy continues to lead the way in the constantly evolving world of technology.


About Microsoft:

Microsoft is a leading technology company that develops, manufactures, licenses, supports, and sells computer software, consumer electronics, and personal computers. Headquartered in Redmond, Washington, Microsoft is best known for its Windows operating system and Office productivity suite. The company also has a strong presence in the gaming industry with its Xbox console and game development studios.

About Microsoft Azure:

Microsoft Azure is a cloud computing platform and infrastructure offered by Microsoft. It provides a wide range of cloud services, including computing power, storage, networking, databases, analytics, and more, enabling organizations to build, deploy, and manage applications and services through Microsoft's global network of data centers. Azure is known for its scalability, flexibility, and security features, making it a popular choice for businesses looking to leverage the benefits of cloud computing.

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