B4100 - NW Ribbon

Nadaraya-Watson (NW) Moving Averages (MAs) Ribbon. Kernel-based weighting methods and a color gradient (thanks to alexgrover), this ribbon offers trend detection, and a smooth MA.

MA1 to MA5: Display a series of five NW MAs, each with independent settings for length, kernel type, and associated parameters.

Flexible Lengths: Default lengths are set to 50, 100, 150, 200, and 250 periods, respectively, but can be customized to suit different trading timeframes and strategies.

Kernel Types: Choose from Beta, Gaussian, or Epanechnikov kernels to determine how recent data points are weighted.

Beta Kernel: Adjusts weights based on alpha and beta parameters to emphasize different aspects of the data.

Gaussian Kernel: Utilizes a bandwidth parameter to apply a bell-curve weighting, smoothing out the MA.

Epanechnikov Kernel: Applies a polynomial weighting with a specified bandwidth, offering a balance between smoothing and responsiveness.
moving_averageMoving Averagesmovingaveragecrossovernadaraya-watsonnadarayawatsontrendTrend Analysis


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