SV Volatility Indicator Basic

The SV Volatility Indicator Basic in TradingView calculates and visualizes daily and average volatility over specified periods using three lines. Here’s what it does:

1. Daily Volatility Calculation. The indicator computes daily volatility as the percentage difference between the high and low prices relative to the closing price:
2. 30-day Moving Average of Volatility. A simple moving average (SMA) is applied to the daily volatility values over the last 30 days to smooth short-term fluctuations.
3. 90-day Moving Average of Volatility. Similarly, an SMA is calculated over the last 90 days to provide a longer-term view of volatility trends.
4. Visualization:
  • Three lines are plotted:
  • Red line: Represents the daily volatility in percentage terms.
  • Blue line: Displays the 30-day moving average of volatility.
  • Green line: Shows the 90-day moving average of volatility.

This indicator helps traders analyze market volatility by providing both immediate (daily) and smoothed (30-day and 90-day) measures, aiding in trend identification and risk assessment.
Update dailyVolatility formula


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