sampling_rate: float, samples per time unit (Hz). Must be larger than twice the frequency to satisfy the Nyquist criterion.
frequency: float, frequency in periods per time unit (Hz).
amplitude: float, the length of the period when sampled at one sample per time unit. This is the interval of the periodic domain, a typical value is 1.0, or 2*Pi for angular functions.
phase: float, optional phase offset.
delay: int, optional delay, relative to the phase.
Returns: float array.
sinusoidal(length, sampling_rate, frequency, amplitude, mean, phase, delay) Create a Sine wave. Parameters:
length: int, The number of samples to generate.
sampling_rate: float, Samples per time unit (Hz). Must be larger than twice the frequency to satisfy the Nyquist criterion.
frequency: float, Frequency in periods per time unit (Hz).
amplitude: float, The maximal reached peak.
mean: float, The mean, or DC part, of the signal.
phase: float, Optional phase offset.
delay: int, Optional delay, relative to the phase.