Library "CalculatePercentageSlTp" This Library calculate the sl and tp amount in percentage
sl_percentage(entry_price, sl_price) this function calculates the sl value in percentage Parameters: entry_price: indicates the entry level sl_price: indicates the stop loss level Returns: stop loss in percentage
tp_percentage(entry_price, tp_price) this function calculates the tp value in percentage Parameters: entry_price: indicates the entry level tp_price: indicates the take profit level Returns: take profit in percentage
sl_level(entry_price, sl_percentage) this function calculates the sl level price Parameters: entry_price: indicates the entry level sl_percentage: indicates the stop loss percentage Returns: stop loss price in $
tp_level(entry_price, tp_percentage) this function calculates the tp level price Parameters: entry_price: indicates the entry level tp_percentage: indicates the take profit percentage Returns: take profit price in $