Market Sessions

indicator('Market Sessions', 'Sessions', overlay=true, max_lines_count=200, max_boxes_count=200, max_labels_count=200, max_bars_back=500, explicit_plot_zorder=true)

import boitoki/AwesomeColor/9 as ac
import boitoki/Utilities/3 as util

// Groups
g0 = '// GENERAL //'
g1_01 = '// ♯1 SESSION //'
g1_02 = '// ♯2 SESSION //'
g1_03 = '// ♯3 SESSION //'
g1_04 = '// ♯4 SESSION //'
g1_05 = '// ♯5 SESSION //'
g4 = '// BOX //'
g6 = '// LABELS //'
g5 = '// OPENING RANGE //'
g8 = '// OPTIONS //'
g11 = '// CANDLE //'
g12 = '// INFORMATION //'

// Defined
MAX_BARS = 500

option_yes = 'Yes'
option_no = '× No'
option_extend1 = 'Yes'
option_hide = '× Hide'
option_border_style1 = '────'
option_border_style2 = '- - - - - -'
option_border_style3 = '•••••••••'
option_chart_x = '× No'
option_chart_1 = 'Bar color'
option_chart_2 = 'Candles'
option_opr_label1 = 'High・Low'
option_opr_label2 = 'Buy・Sell'
option_opr_label_none = 'None'
option_candle_color1 = 'Session color'
option_candle_color2 = 'Red • Green'

fmt_price = '{0,number,#.#####}'
fmt_pips = '{0,number,#.#}'

icon_separator = ' • '

color_text =, 0)

// Methods
method clear (array<string> id, int _min = 0) =>
if array.size(id) > _min

method clear (array<float> id, int _min = 0) =>
if array.size(id) > _min

// Types
type OHLC
float open
float high
float low
float close
float hl

// Dot
type Dot
int x
float y
string t = ''
color c

method create(Dot this) =>, this.y, this.t, style=label.style_label_center, color=TRANSPARENT, textcolor=this.c, size=size.small)

// Candle
type Candle
box[] body
line[] wick

method create(Candle this) =>
this.body :=<box>()
this.wick :=<line>()

type State
string extend_style
bool show_fibs
bool show_op

method is_extended (State this) =>
this.extend_style != option_no

// OpeningRange
type OpeningRange
float top
float btm
float avg
float R1
float R2
float S1
float S2
int total_count = 0
int reached_count = 0
int reached_R1_count = 0
int reached_R2_count = 0
int reached_S1_count = 0
int reached_S2_count = 0

// Data
type Session
string sess
string tz
string name
color colour

float[] price_ranges
float price_range_avg
box[] boxes
line[] lines
label[] labels
line[] oclines
box[] ocboxes
label[] oc_labels
box[] opr_boxes
line[] opr_lines
linefill[] opr_linefills
label[] opr_labels
line[] fib
int session
bool is_extended
bool in_session

Candle candle
OHLC ohlc
State state
OpeningRange op

method create (Session this, string _extend, bool _show_fib, bool _show_op) =>
this.boxes :=<box>()
this.lines :=<line>()
this.labels :=<label>()
this.oclines :=<line>()
this.ocboxes :=<box>()
this.oc_labels :=<label>()
this.opr_boxes :=<box>()
this.opr_lines :=<line>()
this.opr_linefills :=<linefill>()
this.opr_labels :=<label>()
this.fib :=<line>()
this.price_ranges :=<float>()

this.state :=, _show_fib, _show_op)
this.candle :=
this.ohlc :=
this.op :=

this.is_extended := this.state.is_extended()


method session (Session this) =>
time(timeframe.period, this.sess,

method add (Session this, range_price, length = 50) =>
this.price_range_avg := array.avg(this.price_ranges)

// Functions
f_get_time_by_bar (bar_count) => timeframe.multiplier * bar_count * 60 * 1000

f_border_style (_style) =>
switch _style
option_border_style1 => line.style_solid
option_border_style2 => line.style_dashed
option_border_style3 => line.style_dotted
=> _style

f_get_period (_session, _start, _lookback) =>
result = math.max(_start, 1)
for i = result to _lookback
if na(_session[i+1]) and _session
result := i+1

f_get_label_position (_y, _side) =>
switch _y
'top' => _side == 'outside' ? label.style_label_lower_left : label.style_label_upper_left
'bottom' => _side == 'outside' ? label.style_label_upper_left : label.style_label_lower_left

f_get_started (_session) => na(_session[1]) and _session

f_get_ended (_session) => na(_session) and _session[1]

f_message_limit_bars (_v) => '⚠️ This box\'s right position exceeds 500 bars(' + str.tostring(_v) + '). This box is not displayed correctly.'

f_set_line_x1 (_line, _x) =>
if (line.get_x1(_line) != _x)
line.set_x1(_line, _x)

f_set_line_x2 (_line, _x) =>
if (line.get_x2(_line) != _x)
line.set_x2(_line, _x)

f_set_box_right (_box, _x) =>
if box.get_right(_box) != _x
box.set_right(_box, _x)

// Inputs
// Timezone
i_tz = input.string('GMT+0', title='Timezone', options=['GMT-11', 'GMT-10', 'GMT-9', 'GMT-8', 'GMT-7', 'GMT-6', 'GMT-5', 'GMT-4', 'GMT-3', 'GMT-2', 'GMT-1', 'GMT+0', 'GMT+1', 'GMT+2', 'GMT+3', 'GMT+330', 'GMT+4', 'GMT+430', 'GMT+5', 'GMT+530', 'GMT+6', 'GMT+7', 'GMT+8', 'GMT+9', 'GMT+10', 'GMT+11', 'GMT+12'], group=g0)
i_history_period =, 'History', minval=0, group=g0)
i_show = i_history_period > 0
i_lookback = 12 * 60

// Sessions
i_show_sess1 = input.bool(true, 'Session 1 ', group=g1_01, inline='session1_1') and i_show
i_sess1_label = input.string('London', '', group=g1_01, inline='session1_1')
i_sess1_color = input.color(#66D9EF, '', group=g1_01, inline='session1_1')
i_sess1_barcolor1 = input.color(#66D9EF, '•', group=g1_01, inline='session1_1')
i_sess1_barcolor2 = input.color(#66D9EF, '', group=g1_01, inline='session1_1')
i_sess1 = input.session('0800-1700', 'Time', group=g1_01)
i_sess1_extend = input.string(option_no, 'Extend', options=[option_no, option_extend1], group=g1_01)
i_sess1_op = input.string(option_no, 'Opening range', group=g1_01, options=[option_yes, option_no]) != option_no and i_show
i_sess1_fib = input.string(option_no, 'Fibonacci levels', group=g1_01, options=[option_yes, option_no]) != option_no
i_sess1_chart = input.string(option_chart_x, 'Bar', options=[option_chart_1, option_chart_2, option_chart_x], group=g1_01)
i_sess1_barcolor = i_sess1_chart == option_chart_1
i_sess1_plotcandle = i_sess1_chart == option_chart_2

i_show_sess2 = input.bool(true, 'Session 2 ', group=g1_02, inline='session2_1') and i_show
i_sess2_label = input.string('New York', '', group=g1_02, inline='session2_1')
i_sess2_color = input.color(#FD971F, '', group=g1_02, inline='session2_1')
i_sess2_barcolor1 = input.color(#FD971F, '•', group=g1_02, inline='session2_1')
i_sess2_barcolor2 = input.color(#FD971F, '', group=g1_02, inline='session2_1')
i_sess2 = input.session('1300-2200', 'Time', group=g1_02)
i_sess2_extend = input.string(option_no, 'Extend', options=[option_no, option_extend1], group=g1_02)
i_sess2_op = input.string(option_no, 'Opening range', group=g1_02, options=[option_yes, option_no]) != option_no and i_show
i_sess2_fib = input.string(option_no, 'Fibonacci levels', group=g1_02, options=[option_yes, option_no]) != option_no
i_sess2_chart = input.string(option_chart_x, 'Bar', options=[option_chart_1, option_chart_2, option_chart_x], group=g1_02)
i_sess2_barcolor = i_sess2_chart == option_chart_1
i_sess2_plotcandle = i_sess2_chart == option_chart_2

i_show_sess3 = input.bool(true, 'Session 3 ', group=g1_03, inline='session3_1') and i_show
i_sess3_label = input.string('Tokyo', '', group=g1_03, inline='session3_1')
i_sess3_color = input.color(#AE81FF, '', group=g1_03, inline='session3_1')
i_sess3_barcolor1 = input.color(#AE81FF, '•', group=g1_03, inline='session3_1')
i_sess3_barcolor2 = input.color(#AE81FF, '', group=g1_03, inline='session3_1')
i_sess3 = input.session('0000-0900', 'Time', group=g1_03)
i_sess3_extend = input.string(option_no, 'Extend', options=[option_no, option_extend1], group=g1_03)
i_sess3_op = input.string(option_no, 'Opening range', group=g1_03, options=[option_yes, option_no]) != option_no and i_show
i_sess3_fib = input.string(option_no, 'Fibonacci levels', group=g1_03, options=[option_yes, option_no]) != option_no
i_sess3_chart = input.string(option_chart_x, 'Bar', options=[option_chart_1, option_chart_2, option_chart_x], group=g1_03)
i_sess3_barcolor = i_sess3_chart == option_chart_1
i_sess3_plotcandle = i_sess3_chart == option_chart_2

i_show_sess4 = input.bool(false, 'Session 4 ', group=g1_04, inline='session4_1') and i_show
i_sess4_label = input.string('Sydney', '', group=g1_04, inline='session4_1')
i_sess4_color = input.color(#FB71A3, '', group=g1_04, inline='session4_1')
i_sess4_barcolor1 = input.color(#FB71A3, '•', group=g1_04, inline='session4_1')
i_sess4_barcolor2 = input.color(#FB71A3, '', group=g1_04, inline='session4_1')
i_sess4 = input.session('2000-0500', 'Time', group=g1_04)
i_sess4_extend = input.string(option_no, 'Extend', options=[option_no, option_extend1], group=g1_04)
i_sess4_op = input.string(option_no, 'Opening range', group=g1_04, options=[option_yes, option_no]) != option_no and i_show
i_sess4_fib = input.string(option_no, 'Fibonacci levels', group=g1_04, options=[option_yes, option_no]) != option_no
i_sess4_chart = input.string(option_chart_x, 'Bar', options=[option_chart_1, option_chart_2, option_chart_x], group=g1_04)
i_sess4_barcolor = i_sess4_chart == option_chart_1
i_sess4_plotcandle = i_sess4_chart == option_chart_2

i_show_sess5 = input.bool(false, 'Session 5 ', group=g1_05, inline='session5_1') and i_show
i_sess5_label = input.string('Sydney', '', group=g1_05, inline='session5_1')
i_sess5_color = input.color(#FB71A3, '', group=g1_05, inline='session5_1')
i_sess5_barcolor1 = input.color(#FB71A3, '•', group=g1_05, inline='session5_1')
i_sess5_barcolor2 = input.color(#FB71A3, '', group=g1_05, inline='session5_1')
i_sess5 = input.session('2000-0500', 'Time', group=g1_05)
i_sess5_extend = input.string(option_no, 'Extend', options=[option_no, option_extend1], group=g1_05)
i_sess5_op = input.string(option_no, 'Opening range', group=g1_05, options=[option_yes, option_no]) != option_no and i_show
i_sess5_fib = input.string(option_no, 'Fibonacci levels', group=g1_05, options=[option_yes, option_no]) != option_no
i_sess5_chart = input.string(option_chart_x, 'Bar', options=[option_chart_1, option_chart_2, option_chart_x], group=g1_05)
i_sess5_barcolor = i_sess5_chart == option_chart_1
i_sess5_plotcandle = i_sess5_chart == option_chart_2

// Show & Styles
i_sess_box_style = input.string('Box', '', options=['Box', 'Background', 'Hamburger', 'Sandwich'], group=g4, inline='box_style')
i_sess_border_style = f_border_style(input.string(option_border_style2, '', options=[option_border_style1, option_border_style2, option_border_style3], group=g4, inline='box_style'))
i_sess_border_width =, '', minval=0, group=g4, inline='box_style')
i_sess_box_background = input.bool(true, 'BG color', group=g4, inline='box_style_options')
i_sess_box_dots = input.bool(true, 'Dots', group=g4, inline='box_style_options')
i_sess_end_offset = input.bool(true, 'Include the latest bar in the Session end', group=g4)
i_sess_bgopacity = i_sess_box_background ? 94 : 100
i_sess_bgopacity2 = math.min(i_sess_bgopacity - 4, 100)
i_sess_border_width := i_sess_box_style == 'Background' ? 0 : i_sess_border_width
session_end_offset = i_sess_end_offset ? 0 : 1

// Labels
i_label_show = input.bool(true, '', inline='label_show', group=g6) and i_show
i_label_size = str.lower(input.string('Small', '', options=['Auto', 'Tiny', 'Small', 'Normal', 'Large', 'Huge'], inline='label_show', group=g6))
i_label_position_y = str.lower(input.string('Top', '', options=['Top', 'Bottom'], inline='label_show', group=g6))
i_label_position_s = str.lower(input.string('Outside', '', options=['Inside', 'Outside'], inline='label_show', group=g6))
i_label_position = f_get_label_position(i_label_position_y, i_label_position_s)
i_label_format_name = input.bool(true, 'Name', inline='label_format', group=g6)
i_label_format_day = input.bool(false, 'Day', inline='label_format', group=g6)
i_label_format_price = input.bool(false, 'Price', inline='label_format', group=g6)
i_label_format_pips = input.bool(false, 'Pips', inline='label_format', group=g6)

// Opening range
i_o_minutes =, title='Periods mins', minval=1, step=1, group=g5)
i_o_minutes := math.max(i_o_minutes, timeframe.multiplier + 1)
i_o_transp = 65
i_o_size = input.string(size.small, 'Label size', options=[, size.tiny, size.small, size.normal, size.large, size.huge], group=g5)
i_o_color = input.string(option_candle_color1, 'Label color', options=[option_candle_color1, option_candle_color2], group=g5)
i_o_label_1 = input.string('High', 'Label text   ', group=g5, inline='op_label', tooltip="Type \"price\" to display the price")
i_o_label_2 = input.string('Low', '', group=g5, inline='op_label')
i_o_nowonly = input.bool(false, 'Now only', group=g5, inline='op_options')
i_o_breakout_icon = input.bool(false, 'Breakout flag', group=g5, inline='op_options')
i_o_target = input.bool(false, 'Target lines', group=g5, inline='op_options')

// Candle
option_candle_body = 'OC'
option_candle_wick = 'OHLC'
i_show_candle = input.bool(false, '', group=g11, inline='candle_display') //and (i_candle_border_width > 0)
i_candle = input.string(option_candle_wick, '', options=[option_candle_wick, option_candle_body], group=g11, inline='candle_display')
i_candle_border_width =, '', minval=1, group=g11, inline='candle_display')
i_candle_color = input.string(option_candle_color1, '', options=[option_candle_color1, option_candle_color2], group=g11, inline='candle_display')
i_candle_color_g = input.color(#A6E22E, '', group=g11, inline='candle_display')
i_candle_color_r = input.color(#F92672, '', group=g11, inline='candle_display')

i_candle := i_show_candle ? i_candle : option_hide
i_show_candle_wick = i_candle == option_candle_wick
i_sess_bgopacity2 := i_show_candle ? 100 : i_sess_bgopacity2

// Fibonacci levels
i_f_show = input.bool(true, '', group=g7, inline='fib_display')
i_f_linestyle = f_border_style(input.string(option_border_style1, '', options=[option_border_style1, option_border_style2, option_border_style3], group=g7, inline='fib_display'))
i_f_linewidth =, '', minval=1, group=g7, inline='fib_display')
i_sess1_fib := i_f_show ? i_sess1_fib : false
i_sess2_fib := i_f_show ? i_sess2_fib : false
i_sess3_fib := i_f_show ? i_sess3_fib : false
i_sess4_fib := i_f_show ? i_sess4_fib : false

// Information table
i_show_info = input.bool(true, '', group=g12, inline='info_display')
i_info_size = input.string(size.normal, '', options=[, size.tiny, size.small, size.normal, size.large, size.huge], group=g12, inline='info_display')
i_info_value_type = input.string('Pips', '', options=['Price', 'Pips'], group=g12, inline='info_display')
i_info_period =, '', group=g12, inline='info_display')

// Alerts
i_alert1_show = input.bool(false, 'Alerts - Sessions stard/end', group=g10)
i_alert2_show = input.bool(false, 'Alerts - Opening range breakouts', group=g10)
i_alert3_show = input.bool(false, 'Alerts - Price crossed session\'s High/Low after session closed', group=g10)

// ------------------------
// Drawing labels
// ------------------------
f_render_label (_show, Session data, _is_started, _color, _top, _bottom) =>
var label my_label = na
var int start_time = na
session = data.session()

v_position_y = (i_label_position_y == 'top') ? _top : _bottom
v_label = array.new_string()
v_chg = _top - _bottom

if _is_started
start_time := time

if i_label_format_name and not na(

if i_label_format_day
array.push(v_label, util.get_day(dayofweek(start_time, i_tz)))

if i_label_format_price
array.push(v_label, str.format(fmt_price, v_chg))

if i_label_format_pips
array.push(v_label, str.format(fmt_pips, util.toPips(v_chg)))

if _show
if _is_started
my_label :=, v_position_y, array.join(v_label, icon_separator), textcolor=_color, color=TRANSPARENT, size=i_label_size, style=i_label_position, tooltip='Pips')

array.push(data.labels, my_label)
util.clear_labels(data.labels, data.is_extended ? 1 : i_history_period)

else if session
label.set_y(my_label, v_position_y)
label.set_text(my_label, array.join(v_label, icon_separator))


// ------------------------
// Drawing Fibonacci levels
// ------------------------
f_render_fibonacci (_show, data, _is_started, _is_ended, _x1, _x2, _color, _top, _bottom, _level, _width, _style) =>
var line my_line = na
session = data.session()

if _show
y = (_top - _bottom) * _level + _bottom

if _is_started
my_line :=, y, _x2, y, width=_width,, 30), style=_style)
array.push(data.fib, my_line)

if data.is_extended
line.set_extend(my_line, extend.right)

else if session
line.set_y1(my_line, y)
line.set_y2(my_line, y)

f_set_line_x2(my_line, _x2)
else if _is_ended
f_set_line_x2(my_line, _x2-session_end_offset)

// ------------------------
// Drawing Opening range
// ------------------------
f_render_oprange (_show, Session data, _is_started, _is_ended, _x1, _x2, _color, _max) =>
var int start_time = na
var box my_box = na
var line my_line1 = na
var line my_line2 = na
var label my_label1 = na
var label my_label2 = na
var bool is_opened = false
var float R1 = na, var float R2 = na
var float S1 = na, var float S2 = na

var is_reached_R1 = false
var is_reached_R2 = false
var is_reached_S1 = false
var is_reached_S2 = false
var color_gray = ac.tradingview('gray')
var color_orange = ac.tradingview('orange')
var target_line_width = 2

session = data.session()

top = ta.highest(high, _max)
btm = ta.lowest(low, _max)
is_crossover = ta.crossover(close, box.get_top(my_box))
is_crossunder = ta.crossunder(close, box.get_bottom(my_box))

var float saved_top = na

if _show
if _is_started
util.clear_boxes(data.opr_boxes, math.max(0, i_history_period - 1))
util.clear_lines(data.opr_lines, math.max(0, (i_history_period - 1) * 6))
util.clear_labels(data.opr_labels, math.max(0, (i_history_period - 1) * 2))

start_time := time
my_box := na
is_opened := true

else if session
time_op = start_time + (i_o_minutes * 60 * 1000)
time_op_delay = time_op - f_get_time_by_bar(1)

if time <= time_op and time > time_op_delay
top_color = i_o_color == option_candle_color2 ? ac.tradingview('blue') : _color
btm_color = i_o_color == option_candle_color2 ? ac.tradingview('red') : _color
top_text_color = color.from_gradient(85, 0, 100, top_color, ac.panda('white'))
bot_text_color = color.from_gradient(85, 0, 100, btm_color, ac.panda('white'))

mdl = math.avg(top, btm)
avg1 = (data.price_range_avg * 0.786) * 0.5
avg2 = (data.price_range_avg * 1.272) * 0.5

saved_top := top

R1 := math.avg(btm, mdl) + avg1
R2 := math.avg(btm, mdl) + avg2
S1 := math.avg(top, mdl) - avg1
S2 := math.avg(top, mdl) - avg2

array.push(data.opr_boxes, (_x1, top, bar_index, btm, border_width=0,, i_o_transp)))
array.push(data.opr_lines,, top, _x2, top, style=line.style_dashed, color=top_color))
array.push(data.opr_lines,, btm, _x2, btm, style=line.style_dashed, color=btm_color))

array.push(data.opr_lines,, R2 , _x2, R2 , style=line.style_solid, color=i_o_target ?, 40) : TRANSPARENT, width=target_line_width))
array.push(data.opr_lines,, S2 , _x2, S2 , style=line.style_solid, color=i_o_target ?, 40) : TRANSPARENT, width=target_line_width))
array.push(data.opr_lines,, R1 , _x2, R1 , style=line.style_solid, color=i_o_target ?, 40) : TRANSPARENT, width=target_line_width))
array.push(data.opr_lines,, S1 , _x2, S1 , style=line.style_solid, color=i_o_target ?, 40) : TRANSPARENT, width=target_line_width))

if i_o_target
array.unshift(data.opr_linefills,, array.size(data.opr_lines)-1), array.get(data.opr_lines, array.size(data.opr_lines)-3),, 96))) // S
array.unshift(data.opr_linefills,, array.size(data.opr_lines)-2), array.get(data.opr_lines, array.size(data.opr_lines)-4),, 96))) // R

t1 = i_o_label_1 == 'price' ? str.tostring(top, format.mintick) : i_o_label_1
t2 = i_o_label_2 == 'price' ? str.tostring(btm, format.mintick) : i_o_label_2

my_label1 :=, top, t1, yloc=yloc.price, style=label.style_label_right, color=top_color, textcolor=top_text_color, size=i_o_size, tooltip=str.tostring(top, format.mintick))
my_label2 :=, btm, t2, yloc=yloc.price, style=label.style_label_right, color=btm_color, textcolor=bot_text_color, size=i_o_size, tooltip=str.tostring(btm, format.mintick))

array.push(data.opr_labels, my_label1)
array.push(data.opr_labels, my_label2)
array.push(data.opr_boxes , my_box)

if data.is_extended
box.set_extend(my_box, extend.right)

alert('Opening range is fixed.', alert.freq_once_per_bar)
else if is_opened
if ta.crossover(high, R1) and (not is_reached_R1)
is_reached_R1 := true

if i_o_breakout_icon, high, '×', yloc=yloc.price, style=label.style_label_center, color=TRANSPARENT, textcolor=ac.tradingview('blue'), size=size.large)

if ta.crossover(high, R2) and (not is_reached_R2)
is_reached_R2 := true

if i_o_breakout_icon, high, '×', yloc=yloc.price, style=label.style_label_center, color=TRANSPARENT, textcolor=ac.tradingview('blue'), size=size.large)

if ta.crossunder(low, S1) and (not is_reached_S1)
is_reached_S1 := true

if i_o_breakout_icon, low, '×', yloc=yloc.price, style=label.style_label_center, color=TRANSPARENT, textcolor=ac.tradingview('red'), size=size.large)

if ta.crossunder(low, S2) and (not is_reached_S2)
is_reached_S2 := true

if i_o_breakout_icon, low, '×', yloc=yloc.price, style=label.style_label_center, color=TRANSPARENT, textcolor=ac.tradingview('red'), size=size.large)
if is_crossover
alert('Price crossed over the opening range', alert.freq_once_per_bar)

if i_alert2_show, box.get_top(my_box), "×",, textcolor=ac.tradingview('blue'), style=label.style_none, size=size.large)

if is_crossunder
alert('Price crossed under the opening range', alert.freq_once_per_bar)

if i_alert2_show, box.get_bottom(my_box), "×",, textcolor=ac.tradingview('red'), style=label.style_none, size=size.large)

else if _is_ended

if i_o_nowonly
util.clear_lines(data.opr_lines, 0)
util.clear_labels(data.opr_labels, 0)
util.clear_boxes(data.opr_boxes, 0)

else if array.size(data.opr_lines) > 0
for i = 0 to 5
the_line = array.get(data.opr_lines, array.size(data.opr_lines) - (i + 1))
line.set_x2(the_line, _x2-session_end_offset)

for i = 0 to 1
the_label = array.get(data.opr_labels, array.size(data.opr_labels) - (i + 1))
label.set_text(the_label, '●')
label.set_style(the_label, label.style_label_center)
label.set_textcolor(the_label, i_o_color == option_candle_color2 ? label.get_y(the_label) >= saved_top ? ac.tradingview('blue') : ac.tradingview('red') : _color)
label.set_color(the_label, TRANSPARENT)
label.set_size(the_label, size.tiny)

data.op.total_count := data.op.total_count + 1
data.op.reached_count := (is_reached_R1 or is_reached_R2 or is_reached_S1 or is_reached_S2) ? data.op.reached_count + 1 : data.op.reached_count
data.op.reached_R1_count := is_reached_R1 ? data.op.reached_R1_count + session_end_offset : data.op.reached_R1_count
data.op.reached_R2_count := is_reached_R2 ? data.op.reached_R2_count + session_end_offset : data.op.reached_R2_count
data.op.reached_S1_count := is_reached_S1 ? data.op.reached_S1_count + session_end_offset : data.op.reached_S1_count
data.op.reached_S2_count := is_reached_S2 ? data.op.reached_S2_count + session_end_offset : data.op.reached_S2_count

// Reset
R1 := na, R2 := na, S1 := na, S2 := na
is_reached_R1 := false
is_reached_R2 := false
is_reached_S1 := false
is_reached_S2 := false
is_opened := false
saved_top := na


// ------------------------
// Drawing candle
// ------------------------
f_render_candle (_show, Session data, _is_started, _is_ended, _color, _top, _bottom, _open, _x1, _x2) =>
var box body = na
var line wick1 = na
var line wick2 = na
session = data.session()

border_width = i_candle_border_width
cx = math.round(math.avg(_x2, _x1)) - math.round(border_width / 2)

body_color = i_candle_color == option_candle_color2 ? close > _open ? i_candle_color_g : i_candle_color_r : _color
body_color :=, 30)

if _show
if _is_started
body :=, _top, _x2, _bottom, body_color, border_width, line.style_solid,, 100))
wick1 := i_show_candle_wick ?, _top, cx, _top, color=body_color, width=border_width, style=line.style_solid) : na
wick2 := i_show_candle_wick ?, _bottom, cx, _bottom, color=body_color, width=border_width, style=line.style_solid) : na

array.push(data.candle.body, body)
array.push(data.candle.wick, wick1)
array.push(data.candle.wick, wick2)

util.clear_boxes(data.candle.body, i_history_period)
util.clear_lines(data.candle.wick, i_history_period * 2)

else if session
top = math.max(_open, close)
bottom = math.min(_open, close)

box.set_top(body, top)
box.set_bottom(body, bottom)
box.set_right(body, _x2)
box.set_border_color(body, body_color)

line.set_y1(wick1, _top)
line.set_y2(wick1, top)
f_set_line_x1(wick1, cx)
f_set_line_x2(wick1, cx)
line.set_color(wick1, body_color)

line.set_y1(wick2, _bottom)
line.set_y2(wick2, bottom)
f_set_line_x1(wick2, cx)
f_set_line_x2(wick2, cx)
line.set_color(wick2, body_color)

else if _is_ended
box.set_right(body, bar_index-session_end_offset)


// ------------------------
// Rendering limit message
// ------------------------
f_render_limitmessage (_show, Session data, _is_started, _is_ended, _x, _y, _rightbars) =>
var label my_note = na
session = data.session()

if _show
if _is_started
if _rightbars > MAX_BARS
my_note :=, _y, f_message_limit_bars(_rightbars), style=label.style_label_upper_left, color=color.yellow, textalign=text.align_left, yloc=yloc.price)

else if session
if _rightbars > MAX_BARS
label.set_y(my_note, _y)
label.set_text(my_note, f_message_limit_bars(_rightbars))

else if _is_ended

// Rendering session
f_render_sessionrange (_show, Session data, _is_started, _is_ended, _color, _top, _bottom, _x1, _x2, _is_vertical = false) =>
var line above_line = na
var line below_line = na
session = data.session()

if _show
if _is_started
if _is_vertical
above_line :=, _top, _x1, _bottom, width=i_sess_border_width, style=i_sess_border_style, color=_color)
below_line :=, _top, _x2, _bottom, width=i_sess_border_width, style=i_sess_border_style, color=_color)
above_line :=, _top, _x2, _top, width=i_sess_border_width, style=i_sess_border_style, color=_color)
below_line :=, _bottom, _x2, _bottom, width=i_sess_border_width, style=i_sess_border_style, color=_color), below_line,, i_sess_bgopacity))

array.push(data.lines, above_line)
array.push(data.lines, below_line)

util.clear_lines(data.lines, data.is_extended ? 2 : i_history_period * 2)

if data.is_extended
if _is_vertical
line.set_extend(above_line, extend.both)
line.set_extend(below_line, extend.both)
line.set_extend(above_line, extend.right)
line.set_extend(below_line, extend.right)

else if session
if _is_vertical
line.set_y1(above_line, _bottom)
line.set_y2(above_line, _top)
line.set_y1(below_line, _bottom)
line.set_y2(below_line, _top)
line.set_y1(above_line, _top)
line.set_y2(above_line, _top)
line.set_x2(above_line, _x2)

line.set_y1(below_line, _bottom)
line.set_y2(below_line, _bottom)
line.set_x2(below_line, _x2)

else if _is_ended
if _is_vertical
line.set_x1(below_line, _x2-session_end_offset)
line.set_x2(below_line, _x2-session_end_offset)
line.set_x2(above_line, _x2-session_end_offset)
line.set_x2(below_line, _x2-session_end_offset)

data.add(_top[1] - _bottom[1], i_info_period)


// ------------------------
// Rendering session box
// ------------------------
f_render_session (_show, Session data, _is_started, _is_ended, _color, _top, _bottom, _x1, _x2) =>
var box my_box = na
session = data.session()

if _show
if _is_started
my_box :=, _top, _x2, _bottom, _color, i_sess_border_width, i_sess_border_style,, i_sess_bgopacity))
array.push(data.boxes, my_box)

util.clear_boxes(data.boxes, data.is_extended ? 1 : i_history_period)

if data.is_extended
box.set_extend(my_box, extend.right)

else if session
box.set_top(my_box, _top)
box.set_bottom(my_box, _bottom)
f_set_box_right(my_box, _x2)

else if _is_ended
box.set_right(my_box, bar_index-session_end_offset)
data.add(_top[1] - _bottom[1], i_info_period)


f_render_dots (_show, Session data, _is_started, _is_ended, _color, _top, _bottom, _x1, _x2) =>
var float _open = na
var box oc_box = na
var line oc_line_u = na
var line oc_line_l = na
session = data.session()

if _show and i_sess_box_dots
if _is_started
oc_line_u :=, open , _x2, open ,, 70), style=line.style_dotted)
oc_line_l :=, close, _x2, close,, 70), style=line.style_dotted), oc_line_l,, i_sess_bgopacity2))

array.push(data.oclines, oc_line_u)
array.push(data.oclines, oc_line_l)

util.clear_lines(data.oclines, data.is_extended ? 2 : i_history_period * 2)
util.clear_labels(data.oc_labels, data.is_extended ? 2 : math.max(0, (i_history_period - 1) * 2))

_open := open

else if session
line.set_x2(oc_line_u, _x2)
line.set_x2(oc_line_l, _x2)
line.set_y1(oc_line_l, close)
line.set_y2(oc_line_l, close)

else if _is_ended
array.push(data.oc_labels,, _open, '●', _color).create())
array.push(data.oc_labels,, close[1], '◉', _color).create())

line.set_x2(oc_line_u, _x2-session_end_offset)
line.set_x2(oc_line_l, _x2-session_end_offset)
line.set_y1(oc_line_l, close[1])
line.set_y2(oc_line_l, close[1])

_open := na

// ------------------------
// Drawing market
// ------------------------
f_render_main (_show, Session data, _is_started, _is_ended, _color, _top, _bottom) =>
var x1 = 0
var x2 = 0
x2_offset = 1
session = data.session()

x0_1 = ta.valuewhen(na(session[1]) and session, bar_index, 1)
x0_2 = ta.valuewhen(na(session) and session[1], bar_index, 0)
x0_d = math.min(math.abs(x0_2 - x0_1), MAX_BARS)
rightbars = x0_d

if _show
if _is_started
x1 := bar_index
x2 := bar_index + x0_d := open
data.ohlc.high := _top
data.ohlc.low := _bottom
data.ohlc.hl := _top -_bottom
data.in_session := true

else if session
true_x2 = x1 + x0_d
rightbars := true_x2 - bar_index
max_bars = bar_index + MAX_BARS
x2 := math.min(true_x2, max_bars)

data.ohlc.high := _top
data.ohlc.low := _bottom
data.ohlc.hl := _top - _bottom

else if _is_ended
data.in_session := false := na

[x1, x2, data.ohlc, rightbars]

// ------------------------
// Drawing
// ------------------------
draw (_show, Session data, _extend, _show_fib, _show_op) =>
session = data.session()
max = f_get_period(session, 1, i_lookback)
top = ta.highest(high, max)
bottom = ta.lowest(low, max)

col = data.colour

is_started = f_get_started(session)
is_ended = f_get_ended(session)

[x1, x2, ohlc, _rightbars] = f_render_main(_show, data, is_started, is_ended, col, top, bottom)

if i_sess_box_style == 'Box' or i_sess_box_style == 'Background' or i_sess_box_style == 'Candle'
f_render_session(_show, data, is_started, is_ended, col, top, bottom, x1, x2)
f_render_dots(_show, data, is_started, is_ended, col, top, bottom, x1, x2)

else if i_sess_box_style == 'Hamburger'
f_render_sessionrange(_show, data, is_started, is_ended, col, top, bottom, x1, x2)

else if i_sess_box_style == 'Sandwich'
f_render_sessionrange(_show, data, is_started, is_ended, col, top, bottom, x1, x2, true)

if i_show_candle
f_render_candle(_show, data, is_started, is_ended, col, top, bottom,, x1, x2)

if i_label_show
f_render_label(_show, data, is_started, col, top, bottom)

if _show_op
f_render_oprange(_show, data, is_started, is_ended, x1, x2, col, max)

if _show_fib
f_render_fibonacci(_show, data, is_started, is_ended, x1, x2, col, top, bottom, 0.500, 2, line.style_solid)
f_render_fibonacci(_show, data, is_started, is_ended, x1, x2, col, top, bottom, 0.628, i_f_linewidth, i_f_linestyle)
f_render_fibonacci(_show, data, is_started, is_ended, x1, x2, col, top, bottom, 0.382, i_f_linewidth, i_f_linestyle)
util.clear_lines(data.fib, i_history_period * 3)

f_render_limitmessage(_show, data, is_started, is_ended, x1, bottom, _rightbars)

[session, ohlc]

// Calculating
string tz = (i_tz == option_no or i_tz == '') ? na : i_tz

// Plotting
var sess1_data =, tz, i_sess1_label, i_sess1_color).create(i_sess1_extend, i_sess1_fib, i_sess1_op)
var sess2_data =, tz, i_sess2_label, i_sess2_color).create(i_sess2_extend, i_sess2_fib, i_sess2_op)
var sess3_data =, tz, i_sess3_label, i_sess3_color).create(i_sess3_extend, i_sess3_fib, i_sess3_op)
var sess4_data =, tz, i_sess4_label, i_sess4_color).create(i_sess4_extend, i_sess4_fib, i_sess4_op)
var sess5_data =, tz, i_sess5_label, i_sess5_color).create(i_sess5_extend, i_sess5_fib, i_sess5_op)

[is_sess1, sess1_ohlc] = draw(i_show_sess1, sess1_data, i_sess1_extend, i_sess1_fib, i_sess1_op)
[is_sess2, sess2_ohlc] = draw(i_show_sess2, sess2_data, i_sess2_extend, i_sess2_fib, i_sess2_op)
[is_sess3, sess3_ohlc] = draw(i_show_sess3, sess3_data, i_sess3_extend, i_sess3_fib, i_sess3_op)
[is_sess4, sess4_ohlc] = draw(i_show_sess4, sess4_data, i_sess4_extend, i_sess4_fib, i_sess4_op)
[is_sess5, sess5_ohlc] = draw(i_show_sess5, sess5_data, i_sess5_extend, i_sess5_fib, i_sess5_op)

is_positive_bar = close > open

color c_barcolor = na
color c_plotcandle = na

c_sess1_barcolor = (is_sess1) ? (is_positive_bar ? i_sess1_barcolor1 : i_sess1_barcolor2) : na
c_sess2_barcolor = (is_sess2) ? (is_positive_bar ? i_sess2_barcolor1 : i_sess2_barcolor2) : na
c_sess3_barcolor = (is_sess3) ? (is_positive_bar ? i_sess3_barcolor1 : i_sess3_barcolor2) : na
c_sess4_barcolor = (is_sess4) ? (is_positive_bar ? i_sess4_barcolor1 : i_sess4_barcolor2) : na
c_sess5_barcolor = (is_sess5) ? (is_positive_bar ? i_sess5_barcolor1 : i_sess5_barcolor2) : na

if (i_sess1_chart != option_chart_x) and is_sess1
c_barcolor := i_sess1_barcolor ? c_sess1_barcolor : na
c_plotcandle := i_sess1_plotcandle ? c_sess1_barcolor : na

if (i_sess2_chart != option_chart_x) and is_sess2
c_barcolor := i_sess2_barcolor ? c_sess2_barcolor : na
c_plotcandle := i_sess2_plotcandle ? c_sess2_barcolor : na

if (i_sess3_chart != option_chart_x) and is_sess3
c_barcolor := i_sess3_barcolor ? c_sess3_barcolor : na
c_plotcandle := i_sess3_plotcandle ? c_sess3_barcolor : na

if (i_sess4_chart != option_chart_x) and is_sess4
c_barcolor := i_sess4_barcolor ? c_sess4_barcolor : na
c_plotcandle := i_sess4_plotcandle ? c_sess4_barcolor : na

if (i_sess5_chart != option_chart_x) and is_sess5
c_barcolor := i_sess5_barcolor ? c_sess5_barcolor : na
c_plotcandle := i_sess5_plotcandle ? c_sess5_barcolor : na

plotcandle(open, high, low, close, color=is_positive_bar ? TRANSPARENT : c_plotcandle, bordercolor=c_plotcandle, wickcolor=c_plotcandle)

// Alerts
// Session alerts
sess1_started = is_sess1 and not is_sess1[1], sess1_ended = not is_sess1 and is_sess1[1]
sess2_started = is_sess2 and not is_sess2[1], sess2_ended = not is_sess2 and is_sess2[1]
sess3_started = is_sess3 and not is_sess3[1], sess3_ended = not is_sess3 and is_sess3[1]
sess4_started = is_sess4 and not is_sess4[1], sess4_ended = not is_sess4 and is_sess4[1]
sess5_started = is_sess5 and not is_sess5[1], sess5_ended = not is_sess5 and is_sess5[1]

alertcondition(sess1_started, 'Session #1 started')
alertcondition(sess1_ended, 'Session #1 ended' )
alertcondition(sess2_started, 'Session #2 started')
alertcondition(sess2_ended, 'Session #2 ended' )
alertcondition(sess3_started, 'Session #3 started')
alertcondition(sess3_ended, 'Session #3 ended' )
alertcondition(sess4_started, 'Session #4 started')
alertcondition(sess4_ended, 'Session #4 ended' )
alertcondition(sess5_started, 'Session #5 started')
alertcondition(sess5_ended, 'Session #5 ended' )

alertcondition((not is_sess1) and ta.crossover (close, sess1_ohlc.high), 'Session #1 High crossed (after session closed)')
alertcondition((not is_sess1) and ta.crossunder(close, sess1_ohlc.low) , 'Session #1 Low crossed (after session closed)' )
alertcondition((not is_sess2) and ta.crossover (close, sess2_ohlc.high), 'Session #2 High crossed (after session closed)')
alertcondition((not is_sess2) and ta.crossunder(close, sess2_ohlc.low) , 'Session #2 Low crossed (after session closed)' )
alertcondition((not is_sess3) and ta.crossover (close, sess3_ohlc.high), 'Session #3 High crossed (after session closed)')
alertcondition((not is_sess3) and ta.crossunder(close, sess3_ohlc.low) , 'Session #3 Low crossed (after session closed)' )
alertcondition((not is_sess4) and ta.crossover (close, sess4_ohlc.high), 'Session #4 High crossed (after session closed)')
alertcondition((not is_sess4) and ta.crossunder(close, sess4_ohlc.low) , 'Session #4 Low crossed (after session closed)' )
alertcondition((not is_sess5) and ta.crossover (close, sess5_ohlc.high), 'Session #5 High crossed (after session closed)')
alertcondition((not is_sess5) and ta.crossunder(close, sess5_ohlc.low) , 'Session # Low crossed (after session closed)' )

// Alerts visualized
if i_alert1_show
if i_show_sess1
if sess1_started, close, 'Start', yloc=yloc.abovebar, color=i_sess1_color, textcolor=color_text, size=size.small, style=label.style_label_down)
if sess1_ended - session_end_offset, close, 'End' , yloc=yloc.abovebar, color=i_sess1_color, textcolor=color_text, size=size.small, style=label.style_label_down)

if i_show_sess2
if sess2_started, close, 'Start', yloc=yloc.abovebar, color=i_sess2_color, textcolor=color_text, size=size.small, style=label.style_label_down)
if sess2_ended - session_end_offset, close, 'End' , yloc=yloc.abovebar, color=i_sess2_color, textcolor=color_text, size=size.small, style=label.style_label_down)

if i_show_sess3
if sess3_started, close, 'Start', yloc=yloc.abovebar, color=i_sess3_color, textcolor=color_text, size=size.small, style=label.style_label_down)
if sess3_ended - session_end_offset, close, 'End' , yloc=yloc.abovebar, color=i_sess3_color, textcolor=color_text, size=size.small, style=label.style_label_down)

if i_show_sess4
if sess4_started, close, 'Start', yloc=yloc.abovebar, color=i_sess4_color, textcolor=color_text, size=size.small, style=label.style_label_down)
if sess4_ended - session_end_offset, close, 'End' , yloc=yloc.abovebar, color=i_sess4_color, textcolor=color_text, size=size.small, style=label.style_label_down)

if i_show_sess5
if sess5_started, close, 'Start', yloc=yloc.abovebar, color=i_sess4_color, textcolor=color_text, size=size.small, style=label.style_label_down)
if sess5_ended - session_end_offset, close, 'End' , yloc=yloc.abovebar, color=i_sess5_color, textcolor=color_text, size=size.small, style=label.style_label_down)

plot(i_alert3_show ? sess1_ohlc.high : na, 'sess1_high', style=plot.style_linebr, color=i_sess1_color)
plot(i_alert3_show ? sess1_ohlc.low : na, 'sess1_low' , style=plot.style_linebr, color=i_sess1_color, linewidth=2)
plot(i_alert3_show ? sess2_ohlc.high : na, 'sess2_high', style=plot.style_linebr, color=i_sess2_color)
plot(i_alert3_show ? sess2_ohlc.low : na, 'sess2_low' , style=plot.style_linebr, color=i_sess2_color, linewidth=2)
plot(i_alert3_show ? sess3_ohlc.high : na, 'sess3_high', style=plot.style_linebr, color=i_sess3_color)
plot(i_alert3_show ? sess3_ohlc.low : na, 'sess3_low' , style=plot.style_linebr, color=i_sess3_color, linewidth=2)
plot(i_alert3_show ? sess4_ohlc.high : na, 'sess4_high', style=plot.style_linebr, color=i_sess4_color)
plot(i_alert3_show ? sess4_ohlc.low : na, 'sess4_low' , style=plot.style_linebr, color=i_sess4_color, linewidth=2)
plot(i_alert3_show ? sess5_ohlc.high : na, 'sess5_high', style=plot.style_linebr, color=i_sess5_color)
plot(i_alert3_show ? sess5_ohlc.low : na, 'sess5_low' , style=plot.style_linebr, color=i_sess5_color, linewidth=2)

plotshape(i_alert3_show and (not is_sess1) and ta.crossover (close, sess1_ohlc.high) ? sess1_ohlc.high : na, 'cross sess1_high', color=i_sess1_color, style=shape.triangleup , location=location.absolute, size=size.tiny)
plotshape(i_alert3_show and (not is_sess1) and ta.crossunder(close, sess1_ohlc.low) ? sess1_ohlc.low : na, 'cross sess1_low' , color=i_sess1_color, style=shape.triangledown, location=location.absolute, size=size.tiny)
plotshape(i_alert3_show and (not is_sess2) and ta.crossover (close, sess2_ohlc.high) ? sess2_ohlc.high : na, 'cross sess2_high', color=i_sess2_color, style=shape.triangleup , location=location.absolute, size=size.tiny)
plotshape(i_alert3_show and (not is_sess2) and ta.crossunder(close, sess2_ohlc.low) ? sess2_ohlc.low : na, 'cross sess2_low' , color=i_sess2_color, style=shape.triangledown, location=location.absolute, size=size.tiny)
plotshape(i_alert3_show and (not is_sess3) and ta.crossover (close, sess3_ohlc.high) ? sess3_ohlc.high : na, 'cross sess3_high', color=i_sess3_color, style=shape.triangleup , location=location.absolute, size=size.tiny)
plotshape(i_alert3_show and (not is_sess3) and ta.crossunder(close, sess3_ohlc.low) ? sess3_ohlc.low : na, 'cross sess3_low' , color=i_sess3_color, style=shape.triangledown, location=location.absolute, size=size.tiny)
plotshape(i_alert3_show and (not is_sess4) and ta.crossover (close, sess4_ohlc.high) ? sess4_ohlc.high : na, 'cross sess4_high', color=i_sess4_color, style=shape.triangleup , location=location.absolute, size=size.tiny)
plotshape(i_alert3_show and (not is_sess4) and ta.crossunder(close, sess4_ohlc.low) ? sess4_ohlc.low : na, 'cross sess4_low' , color=i_sess4_color, style=shape.triangledown, location=location.absolute, size=size.tiny)

// Analysis //
var text_color = #e1e2e4
var bgcolor = #1a1c20
var color_green = ac.monokai('green')
var color_orange = ac.monokai('orange')
var color_red = ac.monokai('red')
var color_ind_green = ac.tradingview('green')
var color_ind_gray ='gray'), 30)
var color_white = #e1e2e4

i_show_op_analysis = false//input.bool(true, 'Opening range table')
i_show_analysis2 = false//input.bool(false)

if i_show_info and barstate.islast
data =<Session>()

if array.size(sess1_data.price_ranges) > 0
if array.size(sess2_data.price_ranges) > 0
if array.size(sess3_data.price_ranges) > 0
if array.size(sess4_data.price_ranges) > 0

var tbl_avg =, 5, 5, frame_width=2, bgcolor=bgcolor, frame_color=#25272c, border_width=1, border_color=#25272c)

table.cell(tbl_avg, 0, 0, 'Session',, 60), text_size=i_info_size, text_halign=text.align_center)
table.cell(tbl_avg, 1, 0, '',, 60), text_size=i_info_size)
table.cell(tbl_avg, 2, 0, 'Cur',, 60), text_size=i_info_size)
table.cell(tbl_avg, 3, 0, 'Avg('+str.tostring(i_info_period)+')',, 60), text_size=i_info_size)
table.cell(tbl_avg, 4, 0, '%',, 60), text_size=i_info_size)
table.merge_cells(tbl_avg, 0, 0, 1, 0)

if array.size(data) > 0
for i = 0 to array.size(data) - 1
my_data = array.get(data, i)
in_session = my_data.in_session and session.ismarket
p = my_data.ohlc.hl / my_data.price_range_avg
col_cur = p < 0.75 ? color_green : p < 1.25 ? color_orange : color_red
v1 = i_info_value_type == 'Price' ? str.tostring(my_data.ohlc.hl, format.mintick) : str.tostring(util.toPips(my_data.ohlc.hl), '#.#')
v2 = i_info_value_type == 'Price' ? str.tostring(my_data.price_range_avg, format.mintick) : str.tostring(util.toPips(my_data.price_range_avg), '#.#')
v3 = in_session ? '◉' : '●'

color_name = in_session ? color_white :'gray'), 30)
color_ind = in_session ? color_ind_green : color_ind_gray
color_cur = in_session ? col_cur :, 60)

table.cell(tbl_avg, 0, i + 1,, text_color=color_name, text_size=i_info_size, text_halign=text.align_left)
table.cell(tbl_avg, 1, i + 1, v3, text_color=color_ind , text_size=size.tiny, text_halign=text.align_center, text_valign=text.align_center)
table.cell(tbl_avg, 2, i + 1, v1, text_color=color_cur , text_size=i_info_size, text_halign=text.align_right, text_font_family=font.family_monospace)
table.cell(tbl_avg, 3, i + 1, v2, text_color=color_name, text_size=i_info_size, text_halign=text.align_right, text_font_family=font.family_monospace)
table.cell(tbl_avg, 4, i + 1, str.format('{0,number,percent}', p), text_color=color_cur, text_size=i_info_size, text_halign=text.align_right, text_font_family=font.family_monospace)

if i_show_op_analysis and (barstate.islast or barstate.isconfirmed)
data =<Session>()

if sess1_data.op.reached_count > 0
array.unshift(data, sess1_data)
if sess2_data.op.reached_count > 0
array.unshift(data, sess2_data)
if sess3_data.op.reached_count > 0
array.unshift(data, sess3_data)
if sess4_data.op.reached_count > 0
array.unshift(data, sess4_data)

var tbl_op =, 7, 5, frame_width=2, bgcolor=bgcolor, frame_color=#25272c, border_width=1, border_color=#25272c)
table.cell(tbl_op, 0, 0, 'Opening range' + (array.size(data) == 0 ? ' (No data)' : ''), text_size=i_info_size)
table.merge_cells(tbl_op, 0, 0, 6, 0)

if array.size(data) > 0
table.cell(tbl_op, 0, 1, 'Session', text_size=i_info_size)
table.cell(tbl_op, 1, 1, 'Sum', text_size=i_info_size)
table.cell(tbl_op, 2, 1, 'R1', text_size=i_info_size)
table.cell(tbl_op, 3, 1, 'S1', text_size=i_info_size)
table.cell(tbl_op, 4, 1, 'R2', text_size=i_info_size)
table.cell(tbl_op, 5, 1, 'S2', text_size=i_info_size)
table.cell(tbl_op, 6, 1, 'Total', text_size=i_info_size)

row_index = 2
for i = 0 to array.size(data) -1
my_data = array.get(data, i)
table.cell(tbl_op, 0, row_index + i,, text_size=i_info_size, text_color=color_white, text_halign=text.align_left)
table.cell(tbl_op, 1, row_index + i, str.format('{0,number,percent}', my_data.op.reached_count / my_data.op.total_count), text_font_family=font.family_monospace, text_halign=text.align_right, text_color=color_white, text_size=i_info_size)
table.cell(tbl_op, 2, row_index + i, str.format('{0,number,percent}', my_data.op.reached_R1_count / my_data.op.total_count), text_font_family=font.family_monospace, text_halign=text.align_right, text_color=color_white, text_size=i_info_size)
table.cell(tbl_op, 3, row_index + i, str.format('{0,number,percent}', my_data.op.reached_S1_count / my_data.op.total_count), text_font_family=font.family_monospace, text_halign=text.align_right, text_color=color_white, text_size=i_info_size)
table.cell(tbl_op, 4, row_index + i, str.format('{0,number,percent}', my_data.op.reached_R2_count / my_data.op.total_count), text_font_family=font.family_monospace, text_halign=text.align_right, text_color=color_white, text_size=i_info_size)
table.cell(tbl_op, 5, row_index + i, str.format('{0,number,percent}', my_data.op.reached_S2_count / my_data.op.total_count), text_font_family=font.family_monospace, text_halign=text.align_right, text_color=color_white, text_size=i_info_size)
table.cell(tbl_op, 6, row_index + i, str.tostring(my_data.op.total_count), text_font_family=font.family_monospace, text_halign=text.align_right, text_color=color_white, text_size=i_info_size)

if i_show_analysis2 and barstate.islast
max = 100
g_base = ta.lowest(max)
s3_count = 0
s2_count = 0

var g_lines =<line>()
x = bar_index + 20
util.clear_lines(g_lines, 0)
array.push(g_lines, + 0, g_base, x + 0, g_base + sess1_data.price_range_avg, color=sess1_data.colour, width=3))
array.push(g_lines, + 2, g_base, x + 2, g_base + sess2_data.price_range_avg, color=sess2_data.colour, width=3))
array.push(g_lines, + 4, g_base, x + 4, g_base + sess3_data.price_range_avg, color=sess3_data.colour, width=3))
array.push(g_lines, + 6, g_base, x + 6, g_base + sess4_data.price_range_avg, color=sess4_data.colour, width=3))

if array.size(sess1_data.price_ranges) > 0 and array.size(sess3_data.price_ranges) > 0
for i = 0 to array.size(sess1_data.price_ranges) - 1
s1 = array.get(sess1_data.price_ranges, i)
s3 = array.get(sess3_data.price_ranges, i)

if s3 / s1 > 1
s3_count := s3_count + 1

tbl =, 3, 3, frame_width=2, bgcolor=bgcolor, frame_color=#25272c, border_width=1, border_color=#25272c)

table.cell(tbl, 0, 0, + ' > ' +, text_color=#e1e2e4)
table.cell(tbl, 1, 0, str.tostring(s3_count) + ' / ' + str.tostring(array.size(sess1_data.price_ranges)), text_color=#e1e2e4)
table.cell(tbl, 2, 0, str.format('{0,number,percent}', s3_count / array.size(sess1_data.price_ranges) ), text_color=#e1e2e4)

table.cell(tbl, 0, 1, syminfo.ticker + '('+ syminfo.currency +')', text_color=#e1e2e4)
table.merge_cells(tbl, 0, 1, 2, 1)

// --- Input Definitions ---
range_start_hour =, "Range Start Hour", group="START", inline="start", minval=0, maxval=23)
range_start_minute =, "Minutes", group="START", inline="start", minval=0, maxval=59)
range_end_hour =, "Range End Hour", group="END", inline="end", minval=0, maxval=23)
range_end_minute =, "Minutes", group="END", inline="end", minval=0, maxval=59)

timezone_offset_hours =, "Timezone UTC Offset Hours", group="Time Zone Offset", minval=-12, maxval=14)
timezone_offset_minutes =, "Timezone UTC Offset Minutes", group="Time Zone Offset", minval=-59, maxval=59)

count = input(3, "Count")
colorTop = input(, "Top Color", group="STYLING")
colorBetween = input(, 50), "Between Color", group="STYLING")
colorBottom = input(, "Bottom Color", group="STYLING")
colorRange = input(, "Range Color", group="STYLING")
rangeIsDotted = input(true, "Dash Line Style For The Range", group="STYLING")
plot_mid = input(true, "Plot Mid Lines")
close_to_close = input(false, "Close To Close (instead of low to high distance)")

// --- Variable Initialization ---
var float range_high = na
var float range_low = na
var float distance = na
var int startIDX = na

// Function to calculate adjusted time based on timezone offset
getAdjustedTime(hour, minute, offset_hours, offset_minutes) =>
total_minutes = hour * 60 + minute + offset_hours * 60 + offset_minutes
[total_minutes / 60 % 24, total_minutes % 60]

// Function to normalize time to minutes from the start of the week
normalizeTimeToWeek(hour, minute) =>
(dayofweek - 1) * 24 * 60 + hour * 60 + minute

// Adjusted Time Calculations
[adjusted_start_hour, adjusted_start_minute] = getAdjustedTime(range_start_hour, range_start_minute, timezone_offset_hours, timezone_offset_minutes)
[adjusted_end_hour, adjusted_end_minute] = getAdjustedTime(range_end_hour, range_end_minute, timezone_offset_hours, timezone_offset_minutes)

// Normalize times to minutes from the start of the week
start_time_minutes = normalizeTimeToWeek(adjusted_start_hour, adjusted_start_minute)
end_time_minutes = normalizeTimeToWeek(adjusted_end_hour, adjusted_end_minute)

// Adjust the end time if the range spans over midnight
if adjusted_start_hour > adjusted_end_hour or (adjusted_start_hour == adjusted_end_hour and adjusted_start_minute > adjusted_end_minute)
end_time_minutes := end_time_minutes + 7 * 24 * 60 // Add 7 days worth of minutes

// Current time normalized to minutes from the start of the week
current_time_minutes = normalizeTimeToWeek(hour, minute)

// Detect if the current time is before the start of the week normalized time
if current_time_minutes < start_time_minutes
current_time_minutes := current_time_minutes + 7 * 24 * 60 // Adjust for new week

// Determine if we are in the plotting range
isInRange = current_time_minutes >= start_time_minutes and current_time_minutes <= end_time_minutes

// Main Logic
if isInRange
if na(range_high) // If this is the first bar to plot
startIDX := bar_index
range_high := close_to_close ? close : high
range_low := close_to_close ? close : low
range_high := math.max(range_high, close_to_close ? close : high)
range_low := math.min(range_low, close_to_close ? close : low)
distance := range_high - range_low
else if not na(range_high) // If we have completed the range
// Draw the range lines, range_high, bar_index[1], range_high, xloc=xloc.bar_index, style=rangeIsDotted ? line.style_dashed : line.style_solid, color=colorRange), range_low, bar_index[1], range_low, xloc=xloc.bar_index, style=rangeIsDotted ? line.style_dashed : line.style_solid, color=colorRange)

// Draw additional lines based on the count input
for i = 1 to count, range_high + i * distance, bar_index[1], range_high + i * distance, xloc=xloc.bar_index, style=line.style_solid, color=colorTop), range_low - i * distance, bar_index[1], range_low - i * distance, xloc=xloc.bar_index, style=line.style_solid, color=colorBottom)
if plot_mid, range_high + (i - 0.5) * distance, bar_index[1], range_high + (i - 0.5) * distance, xloc=xloc.bar_index, style=line.style_dashed, color=colorBetween), range_low - (i - 0.5) * distance, bar_index[1], range_low - (i - 0.5) * distance, xloc=xloc.bar_index, style=line.style_dashed, color=colorBetween)

// Reset the variables after plotting
range_high := na
range_low := na
distance := na
startIDX := na


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