RSI featuring MACD on the Relative Divergence Index

Hello Traders,

This Indicator uses RSI output to form a MACDish type of indicator.
Raw RSI output is smoothed with a linear regression curve to form the indicator line.
The signal line is a simple moving average of the same output, the histogram or momentum is the difference between the signal and indicator line, just as MACD
The outer level lines are switched off in MACD modus, because they will 'compress' this indicator, removing them also allows the zero line to 'float'
If you change the length of this indicator you also have to re-adjust the outer level lines, if used.
I recommend this indicator especially on higher lengths (55 or 89) in so you won't get whipped out by a early cross-over or 'false' divergence.

Cheers Indicat...


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