
ahr999 Index


The ahr999 index is very suitable for long-term value investors in Bitcoin.

  • When the index is above 1.2, it indicates that the price of Bitcoin is rising in a bull market.
  • When it is below 1.2, it indicates a reasonable cost averaging interval for investment.
  • When it is below 0.45, it indicates that the price of Bitcoin is underestimated and is a relatively high-certainty bottoming interval.


ahr999 is the product of two indices, one is Bitcoin's 200-day average price cost and the other is a price estimate fitted to Bitcoin's age.

The average cost is actually a geometric mean of bitcoin price in 200days.

and the estimate price was calculated by a log function based on the bitcoin price history since 2010.

finally we got the formula:

ahr999 Index = (close / GMA200) * (close / Estimate Price)


This ahr999 index was originally created by Nine God in his book 《Bitcoin Accumulation》

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