new(origin, target) Generate a new segment. Parameters: origin: Vector2 . Origin of the segment. target: Vector2 . Target of the segment. Returns: Segment2.
new(origin_x, origin_y, target_x, target_y) Generate a new segment. Parameters: origin_x: float . Origin of the segment x coordinate. origin_y: float . Origin of the segment y coordinate. target_x: float . Target of the segment x coordinate. target_y: float . Target of the segment y coordinate. Returns: Segment2.
copy(this) Copy a segment. Parameters: this: Vector2 . Segment to copy. Returns: Segment2.
length_squared(this) Squared length of the normalized segment vector. For comparing vectors this is computationaly lighter. Parameters: this: Segment2 . Sorce segment. Returns: float.
length(this) Length of the normalized segment vector. Parameters: this: Segment2 . Sorce segment. Returns: float.
opposite(this) Reverse the direction of the segment. Parameters: this: Segment2 . Source segment. Returns: Segment2.
is_degenerate(this) Segment is degenerate when origin and target are equal. Parameters: this: Segment2 . Source segment. Returns: bool.
is_vertical(this, precision) Segment is vertical?. Parameters: this: Segment2 . Source segment. precision: float . Limit of precision. Returns: bool.
equals(this, other) Tests two segments for equality (share same origin and target). Parameters: this: Segment2 . Source segment. other: Segment2 . Target segment. Returns: bool.
nearest_to_point(this, point) Find the nearest point in a segment to another point. Parameters: this: Segment2 . Source segment. point: Vector2 . Point to aproximate. Returns: Vector2.
intersection(this, other) Find the intersection vector of 2 lines. Parameters: this: Segment2 . Segment A. other: Segment2 . Segment B. Returns: Vector2.Vector2 Object.
extend(this, at_origin, at_target) Extend a segment by the percent ratio provided. Parameters: this: Segment2 . Source segment. at_origin: float . Percent ratio to extend at origin vector. at_target: float . Percent ratio to extend at target vector. Returns: Segment2.
to_string(this) Translate segment to string format `( (x,y), (x,y) )`. Parameters: this: Segment2 . Source segment. Returns: string.
to_string(this, format) Translate segment to string format `((x,y), (x,y))`. Parameters: this: Segment2 . Source segment. format: string . Format string to apply. Returns: string.