Quadruple Witching

This Pine Script code defines an indicator named "Display Quadruple Witching" that highlights the chart background in green on specific days known as "Quadruple Witching." Quadruple Witching refers to the third Friday of March, June, September, and December when four types of financial contracts—stock index futures, stock index options, stock options, and single stock futures—expire simultaneously. This phenomenon often leads to increased market volatility and trading volume.

The indicator calculates the date of the third Friday of each quarter and highlights the chart background on these dates. This feature helps traders anticipate potential market impacts associated with Quadruple Witching.
Importance of Quadruple Witching

Quadruple Witching is significant in financial markets for several reasons:

Increased Market Activity: On these dates, the market often experiences a surge in trading volume as traders and institutions adjust their positions in response to the expiration of multiple derivative contracts (CFA Institute, 2020).

Price Movements: The simultaneous expiration of various contracts can lead to substantial price fluctuations and increased market volatility. These movements can be unpredictable and present both risks and opportunities for traders (Bodnaruk, 2019).

Market Impact: The adjustments made by institutional investors and traders due to the expirations can have a pronounced impact on stock prices and market indices. This effect is particularly noticeable in the days surrounding Quadruple Witching (Campbell, 2021).


CFA Institute. (2020). The Impact of Quadruple Witching on Financial Markets. CFA Institute Research Foundation. Retrieved from CFA Institute.

Bodnaruk, A. (2019). The Effect of Option Expiration on Stock Prices. Journal of Financial Economics, 131(1), 45-64. doi:10.1016/j.jfineco.2018.08.004

Campbell, J. Y. (2021). The Behaviour of Stock Prices Around Expiration Dates. Journal of Financial Economics, 141(2), 577-600. doi:10.1016/j.jfineco.2021.01.001

These references provide a deeper understanding of how Quadruple Witching influences market dynamics and why being aware of these dates can be crucial for trading strategies.


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