
Open Close Trend

This is a simple trend indicator that gives you a few options on how to view the data. The way this works is it takes the open, close, high and low and it smooths them with an exponential moving average. Next we smooth a bit with a simple moving average to clear up the data. Finally we normalize everything to the average high and low. With this you can compare the average closing price to the average opening price. If the closing price is greater than the opening price then it is in an up trend and visa versa. You can also find reversals by looking for divergences. I have included a few features in this script including: Normalization, 200ma centering, Background color divergence convergence, histogram to see convergence divergence, and custom colors. I hope you all enjoy this simple release! I know I had fun making this.
Added a feature to let you scale the hist instead of normalizing it.
hot fix
Added ma select and confirmation dots
fixed smoothing glitch


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