Historical PE ratio vs median

The Trailing Twelve-Month Price-to-Earnings (TTM P/E) Ratio vs. Median Value Indicator is a financial analytical tool designed to assess the current valuation of a stock or index in comparison to its historical norm. This is achieved by calculating the P/E ratio using the sum of the entity's earnings per share (EPS) over the past twelve months and dividing it by its current share price. The resulting TTM P/E ratio is then compared against the median P/E ratio calculated over a specified historical period.

The median P/E ratio serves as a benchmark, representing the midpoint of the entity's valuation over the selected timeframe, thus smoothing out short-term volatility and anomalies. By comparing the current TTM P/E ratio to this median, the indicator provides a relative measure of whether the stock or index is currently overvalued, undervalued, or trading at its historical valuation norms.
Fundamental Analysis


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