PT Crypto Kill Zones

1 945
Version 1.0 of our PT Crypto Kill Zones indicator helps create a visual of specific times throughout the trading day, which we can expect volatility. The market moves within particular sessions. These sessions are broken up as such in three segments, NY, London & Asia.

Toggles -
Market Open highlights the opening of each market.
Daily Zone – highlights a period around the daily crypto candle close.
NY Open Zone – highlights a period around the NY market open.
NY Close Zone – highlights a period around the NY market close.
London Open Zone – highlights a period around the London market open.
London Open Zone – highlights a period around the London market close.
Asia Zone – highlights a period around the Asia market open.

Preferred zones are settings we came up with by running backtests to figure out which periods are close to the kill zones, which offer a better reaction.

Strategy: Use the sub 1h time-frame (30m is ideal) and scalp the London & NY zones with the PT Liquidity & PT Buy/Sell indicator.

This Oscillator was built around our buy sell & Liquidity indicator for scalping. It is included as part of the library. Just message us for access!

