This is combo strategies for get a cumulative signal.
First strategy This indicator plots 2/20 exponential moving average. For the Mov Avg X 2/20 Indicator, the EMA bar will be painted when the Alert criteria is met.
Second strategy The Average Directional Movement Index Rating (ADXR) measures the strength of the Average Directional Movement Index (ADX). It's calculated by taking the average of the current ADX and the ADX from one time period before (time periods can vary, but the most typical period used is 14 days). Like the ADX, the ADXR ranges from values of 0 to 100 and reflects strengthening and weakening trends. However, because it represents an average of ADX, values don't fluctuate as dramatically and some analysts believe the indicator helps better display trends in volatile markets.
WARNING: - For purpose educate only - This script to change bars colors.