Surf's Up Alerts 1.0

1 453
Optimal Markets - USDT/ BTC -USD/ BTC all major exchanges
Optimal Chart - 4H
Average trades - 1-2/week
YTD Profit (0 leverage) = 62%

This script was designed to give new traders confidence and some guidance when entering into the crypto trading industry.

When added to the USD/ BTC 4H (optimal) charts of any high volume exchange, three new alert conditions will appear under the Surf's Up indicator alerts. Turn on the "Buy Signal" and "Sell Signal" to be alerted of potential large price increases. This script analyzes multiple data pieces to determine points in which the price has the highest probability of moving up, along with a sell alert that will alert the user of either: the point at which the trend is dying and to take profit OR that the trend is not happening, and to cut your losses. "Secure Profit" can be set to alert you of given profit target, at which time you can set a stop loss just above break even, essentially making a risk-free trade! This is OPTIONAL as it could cause you to a leave a large winning trade too early as well :)

Buy and Sell conditions have been programmed to know when the user is already in a trade, so multiple alerts will not fire, allowing full integration of auto trading as well.

Surf's Up is a back-tested strategy turned study in order to give high potential trade alerts. This way, anyone can easily add the script to the BTC/USD 4H chart, and simply turn on/off any of the 3 alerts: Buy, Sell, or Secure Profit.

You can get more information along with access to this script/alert system by clicking the link in the signature, or sending us a PM here on Tradingview.

Happy Trading!

