Strategy Myth-Busting #7 - MACDBB+SSL+VSF - [MYN]

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This is part of a new series we are calling "Strategy Myth-Busting" where we take open public manual trading strategies and automate them. The goal is to not only validate the authenticity of the claims but to provide an automated version for traders who wish to trade autonomously.

Our seventh one we are automating is the "Magic MACD Indicator: Crazy Accurate Scalping Trading Strategy ( 74% Win Rate )" strategy from "TradeIQ" who claims to have backtested this manually and achieved 427% profit with a 74% winrate over 100 trades in just a 4 months. I was unable to emulate these results consistently accommodating for slippage and commission but even so the results and especially the high win-rate and low markdown is pretty impressive and quite respectable.

This strategy uses a combination of 3 open-source public indicators:
AK MACD BB v 1.00 by Algokid
SSL Hybrid by Mihkel00
Volume Strength Finder by Saravanan_Ragavan

This is considered a trend following Strategy. AK MACD BB is being used as the primary short term trend direction indicator with an interesting approach of using Bollinger Bands to define an upper and lower range and upon the MACD going above the upper Bollinger Bands, it's indicative of an up trend, where as if the MACD is below the lower Bollinger Band, it's indicative of a down trend. To eliminate false signals, SSL Hyrbid is used as a trend confirmation filter, confirming and eliminating false signals from the MACD BB. It does this by validating the price action is above the the EMA and the SSL is positive that is a confirmation of an uptrend. When the price action is below the EMA and the SSL is negative, that is an confirmation of a downtrend. To avoid taking trades during ranged markets, VSF Buyer's Strength is used so the buyers/sellers strength and must be above 50% or the trade will not be inititiated.

Trading Rules
5 min candles but other lower time frames even below 5m work quite well too.

Best results can be found by tweaking these 2 input parameters:
Number Of bars to look back to ensure MACD isn't above/below Zero Line
Number Of bars back to look for SSL pullback

Long Entry when these conditions are true
AK MACD BB BB issues a new continuation long signal. A new green circle must appear on the indicator and these circles should not be touching across the zero level while they were previously red
SSL Hybrid price action closes above the EMA and the line is blue color and then creates a pullback . The pullback is confirmed when the color changes from blue to gray or from blue to red.
VSF Buyers strength above 50% at the time the MACD indicator issues a new long signal.

Short Entry when these conditions are true
AK MACD BB issues a new continuation short signal. A new red circle must appear on the indicator and these circles should not be touching across the zero level while they were previously green
SSL Hybrid price action closes below the EMA and the line is red color then it has to create a pullback . The pullback is confirmed when the color changes from red to gray or from red to blue.
VSF Sellers strength above 50% at the time the MACD indicator issues a new short signal.

Stop Loss at EMA Line with TP Target 1.5x the risk

If you know of or have a strategy you want to see myth-busted or just have an idea for one, please feel free to message me.

