
Myx.Mir_ Trd.Period c/w Background Color

Myx.Mir_ Trd.Period c/w Background Color

FBMKLCI is a main Indices/ references

Basis = Based on Simple Moving Average

BG= Background Color

Based on personal study:-
BG is Green = Current index > MA 20 > MA 50 = Sign of Bullish // majority portfolio should be in green & make profit... Hehehe
BG is Yellow = MA50 < Current Index < MA 20 = No solid direction and/or sideways // ----------------------------------------------------... should plan to hold or exit
BG is Red = Current Index < MA 50 = Sign of Bearish // majority of portfolio should be in red... Hehehe. Should be run Fast Fast.....

can do your own Trade Record Based on 3 phases
a) When the strategy/ Technique are perform better @ more gain and Don't chase the price ... "nanti asal Kejar Pucuks Je price terus Droppp..." Hehe.
b) When the strategy / Technique not perform well...

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