

Options360 已更新   
I can't be glued to all charts on all tickers all the time. I have a life you know, lol.
So in the spirit of getting fresh air, running errands, working and having fun with family & friends, I setup this AlertiT script.

Three indicators: RSI, SMA and Momentum are used in this script alert.
The alert will be triggered if any of the indicators crosses a specified input.
The message will contain the name of the indicator and its current value.
The default is 13 SMA, 9 RSI +75:-25 and 11 Momentum.
I provided an input in the dialogue box so the variables can be adjusted to suit your needs.
Source is open, high, low, close.

Do your own due diligence, your risk is 100% your responsibility. You win some or you learn some. Consider being charitable with some of your profit to help humankind. Small incremental steps work : If you double a penny a day for a month it = $5,368,709. Good luck and happy trading friends...

*3x lucky 7s of trading*

7pt Trading compass:
Price action, entry/exit
Volume average/direction
Trend, patterns, momentum
Newsworthy current events
Balance sheet

7 Common mistakes:
+5% portfolio trades, risk management
Beware of analysts motives
Emotions & Opinions
FOMO : bad timing
Lack of planning & discipline
Forgetting restraint
Obdurate repetitive errors, no adaptation

7 Important tools:
Trading View app!, Brokerage UI
Accurate indicators & settings
Wide screen monitor/s
Trading log (pencil & graph paper)
Big organized desk
Reading books, playing chess
Sorted watch-list

Checkout my indicators:
Fibonacci VIP - volume
Fibonacci MA7 - price
pi RSI - trend momentum
TTC - trend channel
AlertiT - notification
version 5 script update
default no display change
display shape with alert upgrade
allow user input for all variables
header update


本着真正的TradingView精神,该脚本的作者将其开源发布,以便交易者可以理解和验证它。为作者喝彩!您可以免费使用它,但在出版物中重复使用此代码受网站规则的约束。 您可以收藏它以在图表上使用。


