Features available and logic behind it,
Section - Moving Average
- This will plot a simple moving average line.
- In Settings {Input Tab} "MA Period" can be changed. Default value is 20.
- In Settings {Style Tab} "MA Line" can be ON/OFF by check mark, color and type can be changed. Default "ON", "Line" and "White".
Section - Bar Color
1. Up color
- When Up day, the color of column is green.
- In settings {Input Tab} Color can be changed. Default "Green".
- In settings {Style Tab} Type of volume indicator can be changed such as dots and area etc. Default "Columns".
2. Down color
- When Down day then the color of column is red.
- In settings {Input Tab} Color can be changed. Default color "Red".
3. Relatively High Volume
-When Up day plus that day volume is 2.5 times the average volume then its Relatively High Volume.
- In settings {Input Tab} Color can be changed. Default color "Lime".
4. Relatively Low Volume
- When volume is less than 50% of average volume, irrespective of up or down day then it is Relatively Low Volume.
- In settings {Input Tab} Color can be changed. Default color "Silver".
Section - Step Up and Down Volume
1. Step Up
- When today's volume is more than yesterday's volume and both days' volume should be less than average volume.
- In settings {Style Tab} Color, Type and location of the marker can be changed by user. Default is "Yellow", "Upward Triangle" and "Top".
1. Step Down
- When today's volume is less than yesterday's volume and both days' volume should be less than average volume.
- In settings {Style Tab} Color, Type and location of the marker can be changed by user. Default is "Yellow", "Down Ward Triangle" and "Top".
This indicator best suited for Daily Timeframe and color selection is best suited for Dark theme.
10 hours ago
Release Notes:
{Note} Up and Down volume is based on previous close.