Risk Volume Calculator

Bid volume calculation from average volatility

On label (top to bot):
Percents - averaged by [smoothing] moving in timeframe resolution
Cash - selected risk volume in usdt
Lots - bid volume in lots wich moving in Percents with used leverage is Cash

U can switch on channels to visualise volatility*2 channel or stakan settings
Position volume calculation based on the average instrument volatility and the amount of risk in base currency

On label (top to bot):
Percents (0.6%) - average moving in selected resolution
Cash ($10) - risk volume in base currency
Lots (2.77l) - the volume of the bet with a 0.6% move will create a profit or loss of 10

U can switch on channels to visualise volatility*2 channel or stakan settings
Position volume calculation based on the average instrument volatility as amount of risk in base currency

On label (top to bot):
Percents (1.7%) - average moving in selected resolution (60)
Cash ($10) - risk amount in base currency
Lots (19.613l) - the volume of bet wich 1.7% moving create a profit or loss of $10

U can switch on channels to visualise volatility*2 channel
Added smart lots volume rounder
Average True Range (ATR)calculatorVolatilityVolume


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