
New York Sessions Morning, Lunch and afternoon. AMK

The script is designed to highlight the New York Stock Exchange's trading day, broken down into three specific sub-sessions: morning, lunchtime, and afternoon. Each sub-session is color-coded to provide an immediate visual cue about which portion of the trading day is currently active. Additionally, this script allows the user to adjust the time zone offset, making it adaptable for traders in different time zones around the world.

While there are scripts that highlight the entire trading day or specific market hours, this script adds granularity by breaking down the New York trading session into its typical behavioral parts: the morning rush, the lunchtime lull, and the afternoon action. The addition of an adjustable time zone offset is a unique feature that makes the tool more versatile and accommodating to a global user base.

The ability to visualize these different trading sessions can be valuable for various types of traders:

Day Traders: The script helps to immediately identify which session they are in, aiding in their trading strategy as market behavior can vary between these periods.

Swing Traders: They may use these sub-sessions to time their entries or exits, especially if they're based in different time zones.

Market Analysts: The color-coded sessions provide a quick way to analyze the historical performance and volatility of an asset during different trading periods.

Global Traders: The time zone adjustment feature makes it easy for traders outside of the Eastern Time Zone to customize the script according to their local time, increasing its utility across different markets.

Educational Purpose: For new traders, this could serve as an educational tool to understand the typical behavior of the stock market at different times of the day.

So, whether you're timing an intraday entry or looking for patterns tied to specific market sessions, this script offers a straightforward, visual way to keep track of where you are in the trading day.

本着真正的TradingView精神,该脚本的作者将其开源发布,以便交易者可以理解和验证它。为作者喝彩!您可以免费使用它,但在出版物中重复使用此代码受网站规则的约束。 您可以收藏它以在图表上使用。


