When +DI (Directional Index ) is above -DI , then Upper band will be visible and vice-versa. This is when the ADX is above the threshold. 28 is the default in this version. I found its more appealing in 5M time frame.
BLUE - ADX under 10 GREEN - Uptrend, ADX over 10 RED - Downtrend, ADX over 10
Use it with another band with setting 20, 0.6 deviation. Prices keeping above or below the 2nd bands upper or lower bounds shows trending conditions.
I didn't know how to update the old script so published it again. Changes - : 1) Updated default settings for the indicator 2) ADX setting are now DI (28), ADX (10), adx level to check is 10. 3) IMPORTANT one - When DI is up/down, lower/upper band will also have color (more visible that way.)
Play around the settings.. It really eliminates extra indicator checking visually... Please like if you think idea is good.